5 Matching Articles for "Marcus Lindsey"

CMA Fest Artist Spotlight: Marcus Lindsey

CMA Fest Artist Spotlight: Marcus Lindsey

3177 days ago / Missy Wolf

CMA Fest Artist Spotlight continues with the Marcus Lindsey Band. These guys have become great friends to Center Stage Magazine. While at this year's CMA Fest, these guys were able to perform at Alley Taps for the Iceman's NCMA Fest.  This 5 piece band rocked...

Conversations with Missy: The Iceman

Conversations with Missy: The Iceman

3255 days ago / Missy Wolf

Finding independent country artists as well as new and undiscovered talent has been the focus of Center Stage Magazine. How do these artists gain an audience on their own? For some, they are blessed with being in the right place at the right time, for many others there is Bo...

Conversations with Missy: Joe Bonsall of the Oak Ridge Boys

Conversations with Missy: Joe Bonsall of the Oak Ridge Boys

3296 days ago / Missy Wolf

Never in a million years would I have thought that I would be interviewing a legend in the music world. You know the interview is going to exceed your hopes when Joe Bonsall himself brings up Bon Jovi. I was stunned instantly.This man is not only an Oakridge Boy, he is...

Conversations with Missy: Marcus Lindsey Band

Conversations with Missy: Marcus Lindsey Band

3303 days ago / Missy Wolf

When a band you enjoy immensely offers to fly you out to Texas to watch them in action, you simply say yes. I had no idea what was going to be in store, but knowing the Marcus Lindsey Band, I knew it would be a phenomenal experience.  Lindsey has a voice that the current...

Conversations with Missy: Marcus Lindsey

Conversations with Missy: Marcus Lindsey

3334 days ago / Missy Wolf

When you are surrounded by musicians, it is evident that music runs deep in your soul. It is bonded to you in a way that many will never be able to understand. It is not a choice. It is simply in your blood and part of what makes you, YOU. This is how I would describe the ex...