Nick Sturms

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Nick Sturms Interviews

Nick Sturms and Friends Writer's Round

Nick Sturms and Friends Writer's Round

3271 days ago / Missy Wolf

Recently, Center Stage Magazine was invited by Nick Sturms to cover a writer's round at the Whiskey Rhythm Saloon in Nashville. We jumped at the opportunity as we knew the level of talent in that room would be spectacular. Sturms introduced the audience to t...

Conversations with Missy: Nick Sturms Revisited

Conversations with Missy: Nick Sturms Revisited

3404 days ago / Missy Wolf

You may have seen my earlier interview with Nick Sturms, who is a remarkable artist and friend, but we wanted to catch you up on what he is doing now!  We were invited to sit with Nick inside his new Studio centered just off Music Row in the heart of Nashville,...

Conversations with Missy: Nick Sturms

Conversations with Missy: Nick Sturms

3436 days ago / Missy Wolf

Showing up to the well     There it is, this quaint building just outside of downtown Nashville. As I get out of my car I see Nick Sturms pull into the parking lot. He gets out and greets me with a hug. It is June 14th, 2015. The sun is blazing hot, and it is o...

Nick Sturms Videos

Nick Sturms Music

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