Conversations with Missy: Nick Sturms
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Nick Sturms and Friends Writer's Round
Showing up to the well
There it is, this quaint building just outside of downtown Nashville. As I get out of my car I see Nick Sturms pull into the parking lot. He gets out and greets me with a hug. It is June 14th, 2015. The sun is blazing hot, and it is our last day at CMA Fest. What a great way to close it out! As we walk into the building we immediately see a hallway with many doors. Some are offices, some are mixing studios, but all of them hold some amazing stories. It is inside the office of Lisa Johnson that we choose to film. This room has such a great vibe. The walls are decorated with music memorabilia and the colors are warm and relaxing. There is even an outdoor patio that is sure to help calm your mood and generate creativity. This is definitely the perfect atmosphere for writing music, chilling out and letting the creative juices flow. It is no wonder why Nick chose this place for us to have our in depth conversation. I couldn't have been more at ease. It was simply the most peaceful place I had been all week.
Missy Wolf: We’re here! CMA Fest. Last day of CMA Fest. Are you feeling pretty tired?
Nick Sturms: I’m a little worse for the wear.
Missy Wolf: There’s things a lot of people don’t know about Nick Sturms. You have written some amazing songs for some pretty big people and pretty big things. So…can you tell us a little bit about that?
Nick Sturms: “Yeah, when I was 16 years old I moved here and I got a publishing deal with Lisa Johnson. She has stuck with me for a decade. Now I’ve got the longest publishing deal in town! I had my first semi hit with Air Supply when I was 16 or 17. It was the last thing they put out called, “Hold me like you love me”.”
Missy Wolf: Writing songs for you, the thought process, what goes on? What do you think about to put a song together?
Nick Sturms: “I show up to the well, and stay out of the way”
Then he says something that is so powerful it stays in my thoughts. “There’s no point missing out on an entire verse because I got hung up on one line.” Incredible right? I think so many people can apply this to their life. The meaning, of course, is different for everyone; however, the message is the same.
Missy Wolf: What kind of advice would you give to another songwriter?
Nick Sturms: “Just the less you try to color something with yourself, if you remove your ego from the equation and you go, I’m just gonna show up today and pray something happens, you’re going to get something”
Missy Wolf: When did you start learning to play guitar?
Nick Sturms: “When I was in diapers! I mean my dad played for George Strait my whole life so…”
For more on this extremely talented young man, please watch the full interview and connect with him on his social media. Don't forget you can also find his music on iTunes and his current single, "Amen" is also being played on Sirius XM.
Stay tuned to for more interviews and conversations with me! ~Missy Wolf
Special Thanks to KCT Photography for capturing such great shots and footage