2016 Nashville Universe Awards

by Missy Wolf / 3038 days ago / Comments

Independent Artists have been the main focus of Center Stage Magazine since its birth. These artists are the very reason we created this online entertainment magazine. Promoting fresh new talent has been exciting for not only the artist and ourselves, it has been overwhelmingly exciting for fans too. 

When we set out to find the next artist, whether they are an actor, singer/songwriter, musician, comedian, etc., we immediately want to build a relationship with them and help their career any way we can. 

Through many of our artists, we began hearing about the Nashville Universe Awards. Being relatively new to the Nashville scene, I was not familiar with how amazing this organization is. Like us, the Nashville Universe Awards has a unique passion for helping Independent Artists get heard. Their powerful foundation has helped countless artists achieve some remarkable goals. Read below for a brief explanation of who they are (taken directly from their website).


"What we are about:

We want to help talent get more fans, increase their social media numbers and rise above the noise.  Perception is the reality in the entertainment business and making every connection you can is important.  We have said many times that we built a playground and invited everyone to come play.

We are people that believe that a few can make a difference and that all of us together are Nashville Universe.  Nashville Universe says a lot about you and that you are part of the Nashville community and that you have a road to Music Row.   We have helped many people get onto the ABC hit show Nashville as well as helped many get heard by the right ears, obtain various deals and awards and all while not requesting money.  We want to help you not charge you."


At this year's 2016 Nashville Universe Awards held at the Wildhorse Saloon, Center Stage Magazine was proud to be on the red carpet, speaking to the many talents as they arrived. Our very own Charissa Nicole stepped up to the challenge for me as I was unable to attend, and knocked it out of the park by conducting 21 red carpet interviews, including many of the night's award winners. Check out the list below for the top award winners.

And the Winners Are:

-Song of the Year: "Sweet Life," Tate Stevens

-Rising Star Award: Celeste Kellogg

-Music Video of the Year: "Dancing in the Rain," Darrin Morris

-Songwriter of the Year: Lance Carpenter

-Musician of the Year: Shredder Pinstripe

-Trailblazer Award: John Marks

-Music Producer of the Year: Doc Holiday

-Radio Single of the Year: "Just Got Paid," Dee Jay Silver featuring Austin Webb

-Duo of the Year: 2Steel Girls

-Male Vocalist of the Year: Tate Stevens

-Female Vocalist of the Year: SaraBeth

-Vocal Group of the Year: Southern Halo

-Entertainer of the Year: Trailer Choir


Congratulations to those who took home one of the coveted Nashville Universe Awards and special thanks to the Nashville Universe Awards for letting us be a part of this extraordinary night. We look forward to many more with you. Here is the list of the 22 artists we were fortunate to interview on the red carpet. 

Artist Interviews:

3 Lanes Crossing

Benton Blount

Celeste Kellogg

Darrin Morris Band

David Colon

Dee Jay Silver

Exit 24

Gary Jenkins

Honeyboy and Boots

John Marks

Leslie Satcher

Luke Pell

Nestor AnDress


Savanna Chestnut

Southern Halo

Storme Warren

Tanner Azzinnaro

Tate Stevens

The Springs

Trailer Choir

Willi Dakota

Until next time, Enjoy. ~Missy


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About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!