5 Matching Articles for "South Carolina"
Somewhere On A Beach with Laura: Lewis Brice
Our next interview was with an artist that is no stranger to the Center Stage family, Lewis Brice. You may recall that we caught up with Brice in February during CRS (Country Radio Seminar) in Nashville and we were excited to talk about his single "Best Ex Ever" as well...
Somewhere On A Beach with Laura: Stephanie Quayle
I am so honored to introduce the next artist I had the pleasure to talk with during Carolina Country Music Festival (CCMF). Let me introduce you to, The Little Rebel Engine that did herself, Ms. Stephanie Quayle. Singer, songwriter, wife, friend, and the founder...
Somewhere On A Beach with Laura: Jimmie Allen
There are new and emerging artists every day in Nashville and just about every city in this country. The difference between those who get that "big break" and those that do not, in my opinion, are the dreamer and how much they are willing to do in order to achieve...
Press Release: Lewis Brice Releases Self-Titled Debut EP TODAY!
LEWIS BRICE RELEASES SELF-TITLED DEBUT TODAY New Music Garners Rave Reviews from Taste of Country’s Billy Dukes and Shawn Parr of Nash Nights Live, Surpasses 600,000 Total Streams on Spotify NASHVILLE, Tenn. (July 14, 2017) -- ...
Conversations with Missy: J. Adam Broome
"I wouldn't be where I am today without Jesus and Coffee" is the first thing that stood out to me on J. Adam Broome's Twitter feed. I immediately was connected, intrigued and had to know more about this artist. It became abundantly clear during my research ...