3 Matching Articles for "Space Between"

Press Release: Prince Ivan Releases First Full-length Album 'The Preface'

Press Release: Prince Ivan Releases First Full-length Album 'The Preface'

1832 days ago / Missy Wolf

Prince Ivan Releases “The Preface” From a Trio to a Duo to Almost Quitting, Prince Ivan Overcomes to Release First LP   December 13, 2019, Branson, MO—After an almost two-year process, Prince Ivan today released their first full-length album, &ldqu...

Ace Frehley Live!

Ace Frehley Live!

3017 days ago / John Tedeski

He is Space Ace. He is Shock Me. He is the original Rock Soldier, the king of the flaming/smoking guitar and the original lead guitarist for KISS. He is the one and only Ace Frehley. What can I say about Ace Frehley that has not already been said? Frehley and his band bro...

Conversations with Missy: Keith Walker

Conversations with Missy: Keith Walker

3203 days ago / Missy Wolf

Sometimes in life it takes one minute for your entire life to change. That one moment not only has a profound effect on you, it may result in countless lives being affected. For Keith Walker, that moment was tragic and gut-wrenching, yet out of it came something so beautiful and...