CRS50 with Missy: The Band Steele
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CRS 2020 with Missy: The Band Steele
Join us as we sit with The Band Steele at Nashville's Country Radio Seminar to talk about what they have been up to.
Ben Rubino and Bo Steele have a special place in their heart for those who have served in the military. Committed to helping our vets that suffer from PTSD, The Band Steele have used proceeds from their single "Sit Awhile" to do just that.
Watch our full conversation now to see what they have planned in the near future, including new shows and new music. If you are not yet following this exceptionally fun duo, please do so now. Give their pages a "like" and "share" and do not forget to help a vet by downloading their single "Sit Awhile". You will be so glad you did. ~Missy