What's Needed for a Journey? A Passport!

by Joseph Nelson / 3282 days ago / Comments

Starting a band is a journey and what's needed for a journey? A Passport.

What started as simply a partnership between friends for a drum recital turned into an exploration of love, faith, and hope. “Once rehearsals began it became very clear that there was something special happening” and this helped lead to the formation of Passport. Passport is a Rock/Pop band from Nashville, TN comprised of Chris Barrans (Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar), Bryce Rodgers (Drums) and Jesse Phillips (Bass, Programming & BGVs). They began in 2013 and while the name, Passport, wasn’t originally chosen for a specific reason; the band said, “The band name has become like a median between us and our fans; it offers a way for people to come on this journey with us and we love it.”

While they listen to a variety of styles of music that influence their writing, Passport is set on being remembered for their uniqueness. Not wanting to simply copy acts that influence them such U2, Switchfoot, Coldplay, and the Foo Fighters; Passport “desires to write, record songs and mimic the careers of those guys.” They envision traveling and making music together for as long as they can while providing for their families and even incorporating them. On their journey, it’s about sharing stories of love and hope with whoever chooses to come along. Their journey thus far has taught them a lot, whether it’s dealing with rejection or trying to make a name for themselves in one of the country’s hardest music markets to crack.

Every journey has its good and bad times and Passport’s is no exception. With their experiences has come many valuable lessons with Passport saying, “It has taught us that we love each other like brothers and want to make music for a lifetime together. We want Passport to be something we can involve our families, friends, and our fans in. We want our music to bring hope to people. We know that now more than ever.”  In knowing these things, they are constantly thinking of ways to make social media work to their advantage so that people can sit at home and keep up with them. They are regularly booking shows to get their name out there. The constant battle of not getting lost in the shuffle has shown them that though rejection can be brutal it is about accessing that inner passion to fight for your dreams.

Their inner fight is what has kept Passport going all these years later. They are currently in the process of collecting and writing songs for a new record. As the band goes on their journey, they welcome everyone to grab their passports and go on the ride with them


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About Joseph Nelson

Joseph Nelson Contributing Journalist

I am a fan of music and entertainment first and foremost. I have spent the majority of my life living in Connecticut with the exception of one year that I lived in Boston while going to school. I am a graduate of Central Connecticut State University with a Bachelors Degree in Marketing. I have a wide range of music that I like to listen to. I enjoy the outdoors as much as I enjoy binge-watching Netflix and tv shows.