3 Matching Articles for "Tupelo"

Conversations with Missy: Tom Brown at Nashville Elvis Festival

Conversations with Missy: Tom Brown at Nashville Elvis Festival

2082 days ago / Missy Wolf

If you are an Elvis fan, the chances are you are familiar with Tom Brown. Brown is not only an entertainer and performer, but he is also a die-hard Elvis fan himself. As he hosted the third annual Nashville Elvis Festival at The Franklin Theatre in Franklin, Tennessee, I cou...

Conversations with Missy: Los Kingdom

Conversations with Missy: Los Kingdom

2746 days ago / Missy Wolf

Imagine getting off a tour and wondering what you are going to do next. Now that it is over, what are you going to do with your time? That is what Arielle Verinis and Dave Green of Los Kingdom were asking themselves when they received a phone call from their manager Brian Mayes a...

Tap Into Indie: Sean Austin Band

Tap Into Indie: Sean Austin Band

2754 days ago / Missy Wolf

Meet our next Tap Into Indie Artist, signed to Heart Songs Records, the Sean Austin Band. Justin Swinney (Lead Guitar), Daniel Horton (Bass), Jerrod Bogan (Drums), and Dwayne Roaton (Keyboards) together make up this stellar band. Though it was a late night performance,...