Album Review: Leatherjacks 'Extremely Dangerous'

by John Tedeski / 1656 days ago / Comments

Greetings Center Stage Magazine world, I am honored to once again present to you round two from Sao Paulo Brazilian rocker Mauro Cordeiro and the release of his sophomore Leatherjacks album “Extremely Dangerous” which will drop on 4/10/20, Good Friday, known in Brazil as Sexta Feira Santa which is Portuguese for Holy Friday. Cordeiro reached out to me recently and asked if we could once again conduct a new interview, album review and coordinate it with the release of the new Leatherjacks album, I knew that there was no way I could turn this down. Cordeiro then sent me the new album to partake of and I’m excited not only for this interview and review but for you all to hear “Extremely Dangerous” for yourselves.

Release Date: April 10, 2020

I would like to take a moment so that I may refresh your minds as to who Cordeiro and Leatherjacks are both individually and collectively. Leatherjacks is the brainchild of Brazilian native, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, Mauro Cordeiro whose destiny is to once again bring a completed Leatherjacks band and music to the world and I, for one, am looking forward to the day that this happens.

“Extremely Dangerous” encompasses the best of Hard Rock and Metal from the ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s in nine power-packed tracks all written, performed, and recorded by Cordeiro himself. It is a very solid album and reminiscent of so many bands that I grew up listening to and still do to this very day, bands such as Ratt, Dokken, Scorpions, Krokus, Whitesnake and even lesser-known bands such as H.E.A.T., Eclipse, Gotthard and Pink Cream 69 . The production is stellar, to say the least, and several tracks have strayed from the A.O.R. feel with a heavier, hard-driving edge to them; a take no prisoners vibe if you will.

Track List:
1. A.O.R. Boulevard
2. Dejacked
3. Extremely Dangerous
4. I Hate To Fall In Love
5. Persona Non Grata
6. Songs For The Strangest Ones
7. Spells And Zombies Through The Night
8. Taured
9. The Payback Bay

I fired off a new batch of questions to Cordeiro via email in order to be able to get a bit more insight into not only his vision for Leatherjacks but also to learn a little bit more about what has quite possibly changed for Cordeiro and Leatherjacks since our last exchange.

Center Stage Magazine: Hey Mauro tell everyone in Center Stage Magazine world a little about what you have been up to since we last corresponded?

Cordeiro: Hi John, hello everyone at Center Stage Magazine! Such an honor to be here again, as always! Wow... It´s been almost 3 years since the release of the first album, "The Lost Arks Of Rock And Roll", it was a very good debut work, good repercussion, you know?

But since November 2018, I began to write new riffs and I realized it was time to work on a new album. At first, it was supposed to be called "Songs For The Strangest Ones", because of the song, that was previously the title track.

But as the album was building up, the name "Extremely Dangerous" came into my mind. Ironically, that was the last song I wrote, metaphorically "at 47´ on 2nd half of a football match" ha-ha!

But thank God, this great work is finished, and it´s going to be available on April 10th, 2020.

I can say one thing: If people enjoyed the first album, they´ll love this one.

It´s real, rough, aggressive, passionate and intense!

Center Stage Magazine: Have you been listening to any newer artists or stumbled across any older artists that may have had an impact on the writing and sound of “Extremely Dangerous”?

Cordeiro: Yeah, I really listen to a lot of music! To mention some newer ones, I´d say these:

The Night Flight Orchestra, Halestorm, Adrenaline Mob, Powerwolf, Santa Cruz, Crazy Lixx, H.e.a.t, Sabaton, Battle Beast, Burning Witches, Dead Daisies, Revolution Saints, Eclipse.

Wow, so much cool stuff! And I always have my pack with:

Iron Maiden, Dio, Judas Priest, Whitesnake, Gotthard, Alice Cooper, AOR bands from the 80s, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, etc.

I think all of these cool bands is what makes Leatherjacks what it is, and certainly, it really molded what "Extremely Dangerous" is as an album.

Center Stage Magazine: Has any of your goals changed in regards to your music or message that you wish to pass onto the listeners?

Cordeiro: None of my goals changed, John. Actually I continue as the same regular and down to earth Brazilian guy who dreams about the world. I must say I really dream BIG! I know that, but I truly believe nothing is impossible when you persist.

Personally, I will always keep believing one thing, John: If you believe your dreams, run for it. You must keep the pace, never give up, lots of people will step on you, laugh and mock you, lots of people will tell you that you can´t... But YOU CAN! Dare, dream, do it!

Center Stage Magazine: Are you using any different methods or avenues for promoting the new album (streaming, sales, etc.)?

Cordeiro: Now with the quarantine period upon this Coronashit (lol) virus... Unfortunately, as artists, we had to (or will have to) find new manners to promote ourselves, to appear, to be more visualized. I think the internet and social media have never been as useful as now, lately, you know?

I´m still trying to learn more about how it all works, I mean, music business and stuff, you know? As an indie artist, yet a one-man band/project, it´s even harder when you do it all by yourself, but I think this album will be huge!

Center Stage Magazine: Have you secured a record contract yet or are you still doing it all on your own? What is that experience like?

Cordeiro: Still without a record contract, totally on my own, unfortunately. The thing that I´d love to have is a record contract and a PR Agency to help me in terms of media and promo, but I can´t afford that. It´s tough, expensive, you know?

But let´s see what happens from now on!

Center Stage Magazine: I believe I read where you were trying to secure funding, in these trying financial times, for the release of “Extremely Dangerous”, can you tell us more about that?

Cordeiro: I actually tried to raise money with crowdfunding campaigns for the recording of the album, but had no success! There was one person who donated $100 dollars, and it helped me to buy cool headphones and strings for my guitars. It was special, and I´ll never forget! If you´re reading this, you know who you are! =)

Center Stage Magazine: Has anything changed with the music scene in São Paulo since we last corresponded?

Cordeiro: Unfortunately in terms of Rock and Metal music, nothing´s ever changed here ha-ha! Still, cover bands are what really makes appearings and some money on gigs, etc. Maybe now with this bad pandemic period, things will change in terms of mindsets and music research. Let´s hope for something better, always!

Center Stage Magazine: I know that you wrote and recorded by yourself “The Lost Arks of Rock and Roll” was it the same process once again for “Extremely Dangerous”?

Cordeiro: Totally the same process as before, John! It was a year and a half, very rough, very tough. I took care of all songwriting, arrangements, pre-production, production, score, registering, recording, producing, mixing, mastering, woof, and still made the cover art illustration for the album! All alone. But, we´ve got to dance the music life offers, you know? I tried to search for a lineup, people to work alongside but never found good musicians, neither a loyal solid lineup. Sometimes, it´s better to be lonely.

Center Stage Magazine: Are you any closer to having a full band lineup secured for Leatherjacks so that you can start playing these awesome songs live and in person?

Cordeiro: I hope so, John! It´s my dream! I wanna have a solid and loyal lineup for the 3rd album, and for touring and playing together as a BAND! It´s my dream too!

Center Stage Magazine: Where on the World Wide Web can everyone find Leatherjacks and get their hands on “Extremely Dangerous” and your past works as well?

Cordeiro: Everyone can access and find all info and contents at

Super easy! Thank you so much for everything, John and Center Stage Magazine! It´s an honor and a pleasure! Stay safe, stay healthy, take care you all! WE ROCK!

There you have it, folks, once again it was my pleasure to have been able to connect with Cordeiro about his second Leatherjacks album “Extremely Dangerous” and get updates as to what has been shaping up for the Brazilian rocker since we last corresponded. Right now, it is more crucial than ever for musicians, all around the world, to have fan support, not only morally speaking but even more so financially. Since this pandemic has shut down most musicians only source of financial revenue, now more than ever purchasing a download or physical copy of an album, purchasing merchandise and even a one-time financial contribution are all ways to help musicians such as Cordeiro not only keep the lights on but also put a meal on the table and hope in their hearts and minds so that they can continue to do what they have been created to do. Imagine how dull, boring and mundane life would be if we no longer had music to turn to.

Make sure to check out, like and follow Cordeiro and Leatherjacks on all of his social media sites and tell all of your friends about him as well.

Fight The Good Fight


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About John Tedeski

John Tedeski Journalist

I’ve been a musician since the age of 7 when my parents bought me my first drum set. By the age of 16, I was playing the local bar scene. I’ve played around the east coast, and in 1994, through those travels is how I met Founding member of Center Stage Magazine, Tommy Lemon as we were both auditioning for the same band in the Boston Massachusetts area and we’ve been friends ever since. Through the years I’ve met a lot of great musicians such as Vinny Paul (Pantera), Bill Leverty (Firehouse), Ace Frehley (KISS), Marc Ferrari (Keel), Bobby Dall (Poison), and even got to share the stage with Jaime St. James (Black ‘N Blue) and Billy Morris (Warrant), just to name a few. Unfortunately, life had a different path in store for me other than being a full-time musician, yet I’ve been blessed to still be able to play on the weekends with some great local talent. Here I am now with another huge blessing, still within the music world, but this time as a journalist for Center Stage Magazine where I get to talk with and interview musicians who do what I have always longed to do. It’s all good and much less hassle than having to lug my drums all around the country. Rock Out, Roll On & Follow Your Heart ...