2 Matching Articles for "leatherjacks"

Album Review: Leatherjacks 'Extremely Dangerous'

Album Review: Leatherjacks 'Extremely Dangerous'

1656 days ago / John Tedeski

Greetings Center Stage Magazine world, I am honored to once again present to you round two from Sao Paulo Brazilian rocker Mauro Cordeiro and the release of his sophomore Leatherjacks album “Extremely Dangerous” which will drop on 4/10/20, Good Friday, known in Brazil...

Leatherjacks Featuring: Mauro Cordeiro

Leatherjacks Featuring: Mauro Cordeiro

1945 days ago / John Tedeski

Hello everyone in Center Stage Magazine world, I am thrilled to bring you the following interview/album review from a very talented and hardworking musician from Sao Paulo Brazil by the name of Mauro Cordeiro and the release of the Leatherjacks album “The Lost Arks Of Rock...