CRS 2018 with Missy: Jenna Paulette
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CMA Fest 2019 with Missy: Jenna Paulette
One of the perks of being a journalist at events like the Country Radio Seminar (CRS) is that you get to meet a lot of new independent artists along with well-known and established artists. The stories that these artists share are moving, fun, emotional, and often educational.
While these artists are promoting their hard work in an effort to be heard on the radio, they are also happy to share more about themselves when given the opportunity. As I sat with Jenna Paulette, I could immediately feel her excitement during CRS. Though her birthday was the following day, there was something more to her level of enthusiasm.
We began talking about her previous single "Coolest Girl In The World", as the vibe she entered the booth with was just that. Complete with a positive attitude, vibrant personality, and contagious smile, Paulette simply radiated happiness. As she spoke about filming the music video for her former single, I could easily tell it was one of her fondest moments. The entire process of filming the video for "Coolest Girl In The World" seemed magical as she described the location, weather, and overall experience with the other actors who were not actors at all, rather members of the community in which they filmed.
With the success of her music video for "Coolest Girl In The World" being picked up by CMT, there is sure to be anticipation for continued success with the next music video for "ILYSM". Be sure to watch these videos conveniently located below the article.
Paulette described what it has been like to share music with her family and friends and laughed as she picked up on cues for what worked and what did not. After sharing demos of songs with friends or family, she explained that when she would hear them humming the melody later on that she knew the song caught their attention. Watch our full conversation now to enjoy all the fun we had.
Get to know Paulette and follow her on social media to stay up to date with new music, show dates, or to just have a good laugh now and then. I promise you will love her. Remember to grab her music on iTunes or Amazon as well. To make it easy, we have included those links too. ~Missy