Fans Cry Out for Sun Records Season 2

by Missy Wolf / 2723 days ago / Comments

Never has there been a television series that has captured the vibrant history of the legendary artists of Sun Records, until now. During the first season of this hit show, the audience was introduced to the early stories of Sam Phillips, Dewey Phillips, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jimmy Swaggart, Carl Perkins, the Colonel, and many others.

Now that the audience has gotten a taste of the story, they are longing to see it continue. Pleading with CMT, Viacom, and ThinkFactory Media, these fans are desperate for someone to answer the call. For most of them, the story of these phenomenal artists took place before their time. For others, it is a happy memory they enjoy reminiscing about. How can we let a show with so much history, a show that shows the birth of great music just slip away? The answer is, we can't. With Season 2 already written, we all agree the "show must go on". 

Sun Records is magical and has been brought to life by some of the most amazing talents around. Drake Milligan as Presley shocked audiences with his eerily similar mannerisms and voice. Kevin Fonteyne as Cash left us speechless at his stunning portrayal and dynamic vocals. Christian Lees as Lewis awed us with his remarkable stroke of the keys as well as charmed us with his smile and witty lines. Jonah Lees as Swaggart brought the chemistry to life between Lewis and Swaggart, creating some authentic and genuinely emotional scenes. Dustin Ingram as Perkins left us needing so much more from this fiery and determined artist that only graced our screens for the last episode of the season. Michael Patrick Lane as Earle Hutchins (Radio Station Manager) showed us all part of the history that tends to get lost when you recall stories of these artists. Chad Michael Murry as the great Sam Phillips was perfect in every way. With his charm, his vision, his amazing ability to make the audience forget this is a show, Murray brings the entire cast and story of Sun Records to life. Margaret Anne Florence as Marion Keisker, brought the brilliance behind Sun Records success to light. She gave women all over the thrill of being empowered. The entire cast, including those not mentioned, are spectacular.

With the recent news that the hit series may not return, fans decided to speak out. There is even a current petition to keep the show alive. Please continue to show your support for the spectacular show and sign the petition now.

Here are a few words from anxious fans in love with Sun Records wanting their beloved show to be continued:

"Sun Records was the begining of a life change for myself and my children. I was talked into going to the open casting call in Memphis and had the honor of trading for the part of Gladys Presley. I was blessed to work as a background actor along with 4 of my boys during the filming of the show. We put our hearts into making this show something great, along with the main actors. We all became a family, the "Million Dollar Quartet" Family (that was the working title of the show). I am so lucky to have been a part of such an amazing show and to call such amazing people my friends and family. 

My 9 year old son who has Autism met adults with Autism on set. Meeting others like him who were acting encouraged him to follow his acting dreams. He has since been in commercials and music videos, and has no plans to give up on acting any time soon. He wants to show the world that having Autism means nothing. He can do anything that he puts his mind to!" -Rina McElyea 

"Sun Records to me means an escape. An escape into a musical era in which I wished I could've experienced. It's hard to find the right words to really describe all that it means. It has brought me so much joy at a time when I needed something. It led me to a wonderful new family not just in the fans but in the cast as well. We've all become close through supporting this show no matter what and not giving up on it just yet. It's something that I feel needs to be seen, people need to be educated on the legends the show depicts. People get to learn about Sam Phillips which they may not have known about before. We get to see the start of four of the hands down best artist to ever live. I grew up listening to and loving all the artists seen in the show. So when Sun Records came out I was super excited to have a show about them. I'm a visual person so having this series were I could actually watch their stories start to play out was a literal dream come true. These are some of the artist people need to be learning from and taking inspirations off of. They were such talented artists and they could not have picked better actors to portray them in the way they deserved to be seen. It shines a light on these artists in a way that hasn't been done before. It's showing people that these artist really came from nothing and through their hard work and talent they become something great, they became legends. Their stories show people that your dreams are never to big and that you can achieve anything, they inspire me and many other people everyday. Their music will live on forever long after they are all gone. I guess Sun Records means remembering these artist for the great people they were, but it also means hope, not that we'll find another Elvis, Jerry Lee, or Cash. But hope that maybe a kid will see it and be inspired to have their own sound and grow up to be a legend of their own generation. It has brought a new life to these legends that people young and old are enjoying. I am forever grateful for everyone who is a part of the sun family."  -Skyye Henley

"Some of my favorite memories growing up are when my moma would sing to me. I would sing right along with her, learning the words to these songs. Songs that were hits before I was even around. I used to think she made them up herself.

What is one of the first things we do when we meet someone new? How do we begin to grow this new relationship? We share our favorite music with each other because the music we love says so much about who we are. How is it that today’s generation has come to know and love the music created so many years ago? It is because music is something we share. It is our way of expressing how we feel, who we are, and what message we want to create.

Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley have a special place in my heart. Something I would never be able to say had my mom and dad not taught me this love. A story by word of mouth fades over time but a show like Sun Records has a way of keeping the story alive. It has the ability to awaken new stories never told before to create new experiences. My two parents could only share so much with me. Sun Records tells the story of countless, influential musicians. The music we have today wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t for the legendary music that was produced at Sun Records. This show brings to life the love of music living within each and every one of us. Sun Records is our window into the lives of these musicians unlike any other. We get to learn who the real people were. Giving us a much better understanding of what really went into making the legends we know and love today. The cast were so expertly chosen to play their parts. It is like you are taken back in time and actually watching these musicians living their lives. Sun Records has awakened the music in me and for so many others and the show must go on. There is still so much more story to tell, so much music to share." -Jennifer Jalbert

"I have been hooked on SunRecords since before the first episode even aired! It is so fun to revisit the 50's each week and watch rock and roll come to life. The cast of the show is phenomenal, and they have wonderful chemistry with each other on and off screen - it would be a travesty to tear them apart after only 8 episodes. The history of Sam Phillips and Sun Records and Memphis is fascinating, and the show has just barely scratched the surface. There are more artists to introduce, the Million Dollar Quartet to film, the continued development of Elvis, Jerry Lee, and Johnny Cash to follow, the collaboration between Sam and Dewey to witness, and I'd love to see the love triangle between Sam, Marion, and Becky played out further!  I think it would be neat to see the introduction of WHER and Holiday Inn too. Every week I was excited to see a new episode and chat about it with fellow Sun Records fans and the dedicated cast members on social media, and I'd be thrilled to watch more episodes on any channel or platform willing to build on this extraordinary show!" -Kimberly Renee Knowles

 "Sun Records" is a family. This phenomenal show about our musical legends Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and more, needs a chance to shine so they can really bring their stories to life. Season 1 was only the beginning. I've never loved a show and cast so much before in my life. I've told them this so many times. "Sun Records" will forever be special to me. #BringBackOurSun #SunFamilyForever #RenewSunRecords #SunRecords" -Daphne Jean


To help keep hope alive for Sun Records Season 2, please buy the season or any single episode to show your support! 


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About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!