Conversations with Missy: Kaylee Rutland
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CMA Fest 2019 with Missy: Kaylee Rutland
After watching young artist Kaylee Rutland perform at the "New From Nashville" showcase headed by Jamie O'Neal, we caught up with her at the offices of Aristo PR in downtown Nashville, to discuss her music.
From the start, Rutland was vibrant and energetic. I never would have guessed that she had just returned from a long road trip with friends. She was full of excitement and simply glowing. Eager to speak with her, I jumped right in to our conversation beginning with our mutual love of coffee.
We laughed as we discussed how we like our drink of choice, and then got into her music. Her current single "Pick Me Up" captures the fun side of this talented young woman that I know many will be able to relate to. We have all had or know someone who has had those free spirited moments in life that are light hearted and full of pure joy and innocence.
Her songs are real and embrace moments that we have all experienced in some form. How many of you have a father that swore he would answer the door with a gun when you arrived at the age of dating? In her song, "Daddy's Got a 45", Rutland describes those moments we all dreaded but can look back on and smile. Watch our conversation and listen to her describe the real experience in her life that led to this great tune.
As with most people in life, we continue to grow. We discussed Rutland's music growth from just four years ago to now, as I wanted to gain her perspective on where she was then versus where she is now. It is always interesting to hear an artist talk about the growth in their career, because their views often times differ slightly from that of the fans. We are always our own worst critic and tend to place celebrities up on a pedestal. The truth is, they criticize themselves just as harshly as you or I.
After discussing her music and some great moments, including trying on the "Double Doughnut" dress at the Nashville Showroom, Rutland decided to play her latest single for all of you. Her voice is simply stunning. Her tone is smooth and angelic. Her personality alone is captivating, and when you combine that with her vocals, you cannot help but want to hear more.
After she delighted us with her beautiful performance, I got right back into the fun we were having with our conversation. Next on my need-to-know list of questions was her favorite candy. Without spoiling her answer, I will tell you is that I did in fact surprise her with my Sour Patch Kids addiction as I then pulled out a bag of them from my purse. Before you ask, yes I shared.
For the complete conversation packed with delightful entertainment, hit play and watch our video now. Remember to follow Rutland on social media, and do not forget to stay up to date with her latest tour dates by heading over to her website. Thanks for watching and supporting this great artist. ~Missy