5 Matching Articles for "Ronnie McDowell"

Ronnie McDowell Is On The Road With Two Unique Shows

Ronnie McDowell Is On The Road With Two Unique Shows

759 days ago / Preshias Harris

Ronnie McDowell: A Night of Country Hits and Ronnie McDowell: A Night of Elvis Ronnie McDowell has come up with a unique way to reach fans of his music: two different show concepts. One is titled Ronnie McDowell: A Night of Country Hits while the second is&...

Conversations with Missy: Richard Sterban on Elvis and The Oak Ridge Boys

Conversations with Missy: Richard Sterban on Elvis and The Oak Ridge Boys

2739 days ago / Missy Wolf

Anticipating his entrance into the office of The Oak Ridge Boys, I was excited and eager to speak with legendary Bass Singer, Richard Sterban. Sterban is one of the very few artists I know of that can sing at an extremely low register. In the early 1970's, Sterban hir...

Press Release: Webster Public Relations & CMA Celebrate 3rd Annual Legendary Lunch

Press Release: Webster Public Relations & CMA Celebrate 3rd Annual Legendary Lunch

2909 days ago / Laura Lou

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (February 23, 2017) – For a third year in a row, The Webster Public Relations Legendary Lunch co-hosted by CMA and sponsored by DUKE FM, Springer Mountain Farms, and The Country Music Cruise was a success!!! With over 40 artists in attendance with a stagger...

Conversations with Missy: Ronnie McDowell, Richard Lynch, & Surprise Guests

Conversations with Missy: Ronnie McDowell, Richard Lynch, & Surprise Guests

2930 days ago / Missy Wolf

When you hear the words "Love Tattoo", you often imagine hearts or roses with names somehow mixed in. Rarely would one think of a scar from a wound that a soldier in the military now has to bare. The reality is that these scars exist. The reminders of serving our countr...

Ronnie McDowell Set To Release New CD Songs I Love

Ronnie McDowell Set To Release New CD "Songs I Love"

2937 days ago / Laura Lou

When anyone can celebrate 40 years in any profession it is an extraordinary accomplishment.  In the music business, it is referred to as legendary which is a title that fits Ronnie McDowell perfectly.   We recently had the opportunity to sit down with McDow...