Moccasin Creek Tour Kick Off/CD Release Party with Jeff and Daphne McCool
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When you receive an invite to cover a tour kick off/CD release party by one of the most talented and fun artists you have ever had a conversation with, the answer has to be yes. On January 28, 2015, I arrived at SIR Studios in Nashville with Center Stage Co-founder Tommy Lemon. As soon as we walked into the largest rehearsal room it was clear we were going to have a good time. We were immediately greeted by the friendly faces of Moccasin Creek band members, their family, and friends. One of these friendly faces stood out to Tommy and I had no clue who it was. After trying to figure it out, Tommy realized it was Big Smo.The funny part, Big Smo was wearing a hoodie with his name plastered across the front and even made a comment about feeling awkward wearing his own swag.
Jeff McCool was next in greeting us and quickly opened the freezer to show me the bottle of the Lemon Drop Moonshine he promised me. Many of you may recall that during our previous conversation, McCool and I agreed that our next conversation would be on camera, include his beautiful wife Daphne and we would drink moonshine. I had never had moonshine, so it was exciting but made me nervous. There was also a spread of snacks laid out on the table. McCool directed me to a gallon size, zip-lock bag full of powdered sugar. Inside the bag were the most delicious Bourbon Balls. I was completely hooked and found myself dangerously close to wanting to eat the entire bag. Kudos to the creator of these little balls of heaven in your mouth.
The night just kept getting better. We decided that we should have our on-camera conversation before the show started and the fans arrived. McCool was ready to go, but we needed Daphne. At first she was reluctant to sit with us; however, she quickly gave in with a smile. The three of us immediately began talking and laughing together as we talked about the evening's event, sponsorships, fans and more. It was then that we brought out the moonshine and I had my first drink on camera. Watch our video to see how it turned out for me.
During our conversation, I found myself laughing as I watched McCool and his lovely bride interact on camera. This is by far my favorite conversation yet. These two will leave you feeling happy and fully entertained. Their chemistry together is undeniable. Their bantering is addicting. Their laughter is infectious. I am so grateful that McCool thought of us and invited our magazine to be a part of such a great night. As soon as we finished our conversation it was just minutes before showtime.
The room was beginning to fill with more friends and fans that were lucky enough to win an invitation to attend from the band. I met two fans that traveled a very long way and several hours to see the guys perform. They had the biggest smile on their faces as they recalled the day they became fans. It was heartwarming to see. As the guys took the stage, the room came to life as everyone instinctively connected to the music and began rocking out. What a performance it was. Check out the extra video below featuring some of the live performance from this amazing evening!
For more on Moccasin Creek, please follow them on social media. Check out their website and order your copy of Hillbilly Rockstar today. It is Hick Hop at it's very best.~Missy