2 Matching Articles for "Sachiko McClurg"

Family still searches for missing woman, Sachiko McClurg

Family still searches for missing woman, Sachiko McClurg

2477 days ago / Missy Wolf

I would like to take a moment and thank each of you for your continued support and efforts in finding Sachiko and Jeni McClurg after their abduction from Tuscon, Arizona on May 1st. The family of these two women, myself included are extremely grateful for your participation...

**URGENT** Missing Persons Scahiko and Jeni McClurg Last seen in Tuscon, Arizona

**URGENT** Missing Persons Scahiko and Jeni McClurg Last seen in Tuscon, Arizona

2480 days ago / Missy Wolf

PLEASE SHARE: We know that there are many stories that surface and are spread on the internet that are not true. Unfortunately, this story is and hits very close to home for me as this is my family. While I make it an effort never to post anything negative to the magazine, I woul...