Family still searches for missing woman, Sachiko McClurg

I would like to take a moment and thank each of you for your continued support and efforts in finding Sachiko and Jeni McClurg after their abduction from Tuscon, Arizona on May 1st. The family of these two women, myself included are extremely grateful for your participation in sharing this story.
Here is what we are able to tell you at this time. Based on the efforts of everyone searching for these two missing women, Norman Schrank III was found in Pine, Az. and taken into custody on May 3rd. Jeni was also found and told the police that she had been held for more than a day against her will. Jeni has suffered undisclosed injuries and told the police she was unaware of her mother's whereabouts. Police are still searching for Sachiko.
Schrank is currently being charged with kidnapping/domestic violence, aggravated assault/domestic violence, second-degree burglary, unlawful imprisonment/domestic violence, and vulnerable adult abuse/domestic violence.
Jeni is legally blind and has been battling cancer. In addition to the injuries suffered due to her abduction and being held against her will, Jeni's life has been turned upside down as all of her assets including her home and car are a part of the crime scene. Her life as she knew it has been taken from her. Her family is asking for your continued prayers and help at this time and have set up a Go Fund Me fundraiser to help with expenses related to Jeni's continued care and Sachiko's memorial.
Here is what Sherri McClurg has stated:
"Mom and Jeni were abducted from Jeni's home by her estranged husband. Police tell us mom was killed but they can't tell us anything more and as far as we know they don't have her body yet. It has been the hardest week of our lives. Jeni was found a few days later. She had been bound hands and feet. He hurt her. She is blind from chemo and end-stage cancer. He is a sick and evil man. Mom was Jeni's caregiver and was staying with Jeni in her home to care for her through all that she is going through. We are all so overwhelmed by the insanity of this.
Jeni's home, her car, all her assets are all part of the crime scene. Everything has been stripped away as they investigate. She is beyond traumatized emotionally and physically by what has happened. We are all beyond overwhelmed and don't even know how to begin to move forward.
We don't know how or when we can even plan a memorial for mom but it will be coming. Jeni's future is going to be even more difficult than it was already. We need to figure out how to help her get through this whole ordeal.
If you can help in any way we would appreciate the kindness."
Again, thank you for taking time to help and support my "chosen" family. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed and we appreciate each of you for taking the time to read this story. Thank you for the prayers, messages, and for sharing this with everyone you know. If you can spare a small donation to help see this family through this difficult time, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all and God Bless. ~Missy