3 Matching Articles for "Make The Moves"

Exclusive Track Premiere: Night Moves by Larry Cordle

Exclusive Track Premiere: Night Moves by Larry Cordle

216 days ago / Missy Wolf

Center Stage Magazine is thrilled to be a special part of the LP release of All-Star tribute to Bob Seger; 'Silver Bullet Bluegrass'. "Night Moves" is a track on this album by Larry Cordle. When Cordle was asked about being a part of this project, here is w...

CRS50 with Missy: Paulina Jayne

CRS50 with Missy: Paulina Jayne

2166 days ago / Missy Wolf

Nashville's Country Radio Seminar is always packed with great talent. Some of that talent comes from brand new faces of artists you have yet to meet, and some come from those who are very familiar that you are excited to reconnect with.  When Paulina Jayne came to my...

Conversations with Missy: Ricky Young

Conversations with Missy: Ricky Young

3364 days ago / Missy Wolf

Have you ever had a moment where you needed to pinch yourself to see if that moment was real? Well, that is what happened to me. I have been dying to interview Ricky Young. We were supposed to meet during CMA Fest, but as you can imagine it was completely crazy and well, it...