2 Matching Articles for "Lou Ferrigno"

2018 Greater Austin Comic Con Preview

2018 Greater Austin Comic Con Preview

2446 days ago / Missy Wolf

It's almost here! The Greater Austin Comic Con 2018 will be held for two days in HEB Center at Cedar Park, Texas. As always it promises to deliver a lot of activities including meet and greets with famous actors and artists, CosPlay costumes, on-the-spot sketches from comic b...

Wizard World Comic Con with Lou Ferrigno

Wizard World Comic Con with Lou Ferrigno

2708 days ago / Missy Wolf

Most of the world knows him as Mr. Universe and The Incredible Hulk, but what many may not realize is that Lou Ferrigno is much stronger than the Hulk.  Experiencing great hearing loss as a child as well as bullying, Ferrigno was determined to find something positive...