Conversations with Missy: Erin Kirby
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Get ready to meet another country star on the rise that you are going to love. Erin Kirby is a self-proclaimed "Tomboy with a Glam Face" and shared some fun pageant stories with us at JBJ's Nashville recently. From getting down and dirty to pageant days and learning to shoot at the gun range growing up, Kirby shared how lucky she is that she got to experience the best of both worlds.
While talking about the success of her single, "Pick My Own Flowers", Kirby explained that she waited two years to release it and why and how TikTok has helped to move the needle on her releases. Her newest single "Leaving Eyes" is one that I feel many women can relate to. We talked about the message in the song and how so many of us grieve relationships before they are over.
After sharing stories about growing up and her music, we had to talk about her fur babies. Kirby is the proud mama of a New Finland aka "Newfie" and we immediately shared stories about this breed often being mistaken for a bear. The excitement she had while talking about her pups made it easy to see how much love she loves them. Watch the interview now to see why Erin Kirby is one artist you need to watch.
Check out the links below and be sure to give her a "like", "follow", and "share". You will be so glad you did. ~Missy