3 Matching Articles for "Carolina Country Music Fest"
Somewhere On A Beach with Laura: Kasey Tyndall
Kasey Tyndall, a North Carolina native, was the next artist that took some time hanging out with us during Carolin Country Music Festival (CCMF) in Myrtle Beach, SC. We decided to just have a little "girl talk" and take a break from the heat in the RV provided by...
Somewhere On A Beach with Laura: Muscadine Bloodline
Muscadine Bloodline, a duo group, consisting of Gary Stanton and Charlie Muncaster, are (as their bio states in its' first sentence) Unapologetically Alabama. They are straight out of the gate telling you who they are and they make no bones about that. Charlie'...
Somewhere On A Beach with Laura: Stephanie Quayle
I am so honored to introduce the next artist I had the pleasure to talk with during Carolina Country Music Festival (CCMF). Let me introduce you to, The Little Rebel Engine that did herself, Ms. Stephanie Quayle. Singer, songwriter, wife, friend, and the founder...