Conversations with Missy: John Michael Ferrari and Pepper Jay
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Press Release: Crossover Artist of the Year John Michael Ferrari
Recently, Center Stage Magazine had the opportunity to meet with Award-Winning Artist John Michael Ferrari and famed female author and producer Pepper Jay. As we sat for our highly anticipated on-camera conversation at the beautiful Dark Horse Studios in Franklin, Tennessee, we immediately connected as if we had been friends for years.
From winning awards to music journalism, cinematography, and everything in between, Ferrari has experienced nearly every aspect of the entertainment business. As of this coming May, Jay will have been with Ferrari as his music producer for 30 years. Having this much experience with Ferrari's music, it was fascinating to hear her describe their recent experience at a local studio for his latest project. In fact, there were some moments that simply made me laugh as they shared their first-time encounter with Nashville studio musicians. If you are a musician, this story will be sure to have you in tears from laughter.
As we continued our conversation, Ferrari shared much of his past and what led them both to make the transition from living in Los Angeles to the quiet, remote town of Pahrump, Nevada. Sitting about an hour outside of Las Vegas, Ferrari has been able to build up quite a following of local fans, while turning the heads of local producers. Continuing to follow his desire to create music has led Ferrari to many unexpected moments of recognition and performance opportunities such as landing the recent cover of Hollywood Monthly with a full 6-page story included.
We had so much fun chatting with one another about everything they have been up to, that I had to force myself to end our interview. There was simply more I wanted to know and Ferrari has such a comedic way of delivering his stories. Please watch our full conversation now to understand why I did not want our conversation to end. Please remember to follow them on social media and do not forget to subscribe to their YouTube channel. ~Missy
To hear the latest single by John Michael Ferrari "Bad Dream", please be sure to visit American Busker iHeart Radio.