CRS 2020 with Missy: Jessie G
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Jessie G joined us at this year's Country Radio Seminar to discuss so many exciting new things. From witnessing one of the most epic and American moments in NASCAR to touring with Gretchen Wilson, and opening for artists such as Ronnie Milsap and Lynryd Skynyrd, Jessie G has a lot to be proud of.
Having watched Jessie G's career grow since the birth of Center Stage Magazine, our bond with her is definitely special. The excitement radiating from Jessie as she shared everything she has been working on could literally be felt by those around us. In fact, that excitement may have gotten the best of her as she accidentally leaked information about a future duet. As soon as she realized that she "spilled the beans", Jessie immediately explained that she was not supposed to announce that information. We then had a decision to make. Rather than bleep it out, we chose to simply wait until it was safe to release our interview. Watch our full conversation now to join in on the fun.
If you have not yet heard this artist sing, I encourage you to do so now. Jessie G has continuously displayed that she has a phenomenal voice and spectacular writing skills. From her first single to her recent EP and the current projects she is working on, fans will no doubt be delighted by what they see and hear.
Please remember to follow Jessie G on social media and be sure to give her pages a "like" and "share" as well. Your friends will thank you. ~Missy