Conversations with Missy: Shag Arrington of 'Iron Resurrection'
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If you love watching vintage cars restored to their former glory and beyond, then chances are you have seen the hit television series Iron Resurrection (also available on Motor Trend on Demand). Unlike many of the reality shows we see today, Iron Resurrection takes place in a mostly drama-free environment. It all began with Joe Martin showcasing his skills building motorcycles that ultimately led him to win the world championship on Discovery's 2004 "Biker Build-Off" competition. From there, Martin has been able to put those skills into vintage cars and trucks, thus creating Iron Resurrection with his wife Amanda and best friend Shag Arrington.
As I sat down for a conversation with Arrington, he explained Martin's vision and how much hard work and time it took to create this series that takes place near Austin, Texas. Known for having "the fastest mouth in the south" as the show's price negotiator, I had to ask Arrington if there was a favorite moment of haggling that he could recall. Without hesitation, Arrington shared what that moment was and why.
While the show is based on the restoration of classic hot rods, cars, and trucks, there is way more to Arrington than simply being a negotiator and show host. Getting to know more about Arrington than what you see on the show was intriguing. His passions include more than scoring a deal on a classic automobile. In fact, one of these passions led to one of the greatest Christmas gifts he received from his son, and I could not wait to talk with him about it.
To learn more about Arrington and the hit series Iron Resurrection, please click on the video above to listen to our full conversation now. For those of you who already love this show and the cast, please accept my apologies as I called Mandy "Amy" by mistake. ~Missy