Jasmine Cain: 'Seven' Album Review

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Jasmine Cain Rocks
Release Date: May 10, 2019
Hard Rock / Classic Rock / Pop Rock fused together in an overwhelmingly fresh and in your face brand new album release from Nashville rocker JASMINE CAIN. I was fortunate enough to meet Jasmine about a year ago at a long-standing biker event, known as Thunder In The Valley that both of our bands were performing at and we have been friends since. Cain blew me away that day with her powerful vocals, precision bass playing, and high-energy stage performance. I started buying up her albums thereafter and dig every single one of them. They are all unique, share similar qualities in the songwriting and production but I can hear the growth and maturity in the songwriting with each album; I highly recommend them all to everyone.
It is 2019 and Cain is back at it with a new album, Seven, set to release on May 10, 2019, and has a huge album release party scheduled for that same evening to be held at the Hard Rock Hotel in Daytona Beach, Florida. Cain was kind enough to send me the new album along with two bonus tracks available only to those who join her Patreon team and I have listened to it relentlessly since and all I can say about this album is that it is brilliant.
Seven is a departure for Cain stylistically in that she has incorporated more technology in the songwriting, very tastefully done so as not to distract or take away from the songs but add even more flavor, therefore, enhancing the overall experience for the listener. The songs are more mature and have the presence of a life lived on the road, with a purpose and a plan and never settling for the status quo. As stated in a recent interview with Cain when asked about what is going to be different about Seven from the previous works she stated the following.
“I felt like I was being left behind from a production standpoint and I wanted to compete at a current level. A good song will always be a good song, but the production quality is constantly changing. I’ve shied away from any electronic influence in the past because I felt like it was too robotic and unrelatable as a human being, but since it continues to grow and become more of the mainstream of what people want to hear, I have to embrace it and morph into a new era to avoid being left behind. I took the parts of it that I could feel and incorporated that into my earthy songwriting self and it took on a whole new life.”
The first single from album is titled “Be Brave” which is a song about being the best that you can be, not backing down or giving up when you are afraid or when life seems to keep knocking you down; it is what I consider to be an anthem, that "go to" song when you need that extra push or kick in the pants to not give in, give up or shy away. The way that Cain delivers the vocal in the chorus has got to be one of the most powerful vocal moments of any song that I have ever heard, it literally gives me chill bumps every time I hear it.
Seven is one of those albums that seems to grow on me the more I listen to it. Some albums that blow me away right out of the gate tend to have a short life span but Seven has longevity as I am hearing new things each and every time I listen to it which keeps drawing me back to listen again and again. The songwriting is second to none, always evolving as I stated earlier and the production quality is the best of all her releases thus far.
Track List:
1. Burnout
2. Do It For You
3. Be Brave
4. Are You Ready
5. Let It Go
6. Money
7. Ghost
8. Real World
9. Powers
10. Long Shot
Bonus Tracks:
11. Extraterrestrial (ET)
12. Hurt
Being a fan of Hard Rock, Classic Rock, and Pop Rock and a fan of powerful, commanding female vocals I implore you to treat yourself with a copy of Seven in whatever format you desire and tell all of your friends about it as well, I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Check out Cain’s social media sites, check out her videos, support the band and go see them live if they are anywhere close and experience one of the hardest working bands in the music business these days.
Seven scores a perfect 10 out of 10 without question – a perfect 12 out of 12 if you include the two bonus tracks. Seven, get it and make sure that when you listen to it so do your neighbors.
Rock On ~ JT