Angie's Not So Secret Diary:Charley Pride

As I sit down at my desk getting ready to type out my next blog, I realize how blessed I am. I get to do something that I love as my "WORK." It is not every day that you get to chat with artists such as Charley Pride and snag a picture with them.
I had the opportunity to preview the documentary that PBS Masters Presented "It's just me" featuring Pride. The program had an A list of people involved in the making of the film including, Dolly Parton, Darius Rucker, Ralph Emery, and so many more. It shows the life of Pride starting from the cotton fields, playing baseball, being in the Army to signing with RCA. Pride, being such a humble, grateful, and funny man admits his wife Rozene was the prankster of the family. He stated that if given half a chance she would try to pull one over on anyone she could get to.
As I was watching the things Pride endured during the beginning of his career, It made me think about how much the world has changed. Pride recalls a time when his label did not want to put his picture on his album afraid it would affect sales due to him being black. He also said that he remembers a time when he was about to perform a concert, he was waiting in the back listening to the crowd cheering for him. He recalled that when he walked out onto the stage, the room went silent though he started singing and they piped right back up and sang along with him. That is when he broke the country music color barrier.
Pride has won many awards over his life's career and with each one he was so thankful. Please check out the links to Pride's webpage and social media. And by all means please remember to check out the documentary on PBS station. This is one that you do not want to miss. ~Angie Dawn