CRS 2018 with Laura: Kaylee Rutland
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During this year's Country Radio Seminar (CRS), we were lucky to meet and talk with so many artists, including emerging artists. This next interview was with Kaylee Rutland.
Her new EP is titled That Side Of Me, which is a collaboration of songs that she has written. Watch our interview as she discusses what it means to her to have this EP finally released and how some of the differences in acoustic versus full production can affect not only the listener but the artist as well.
Rutland also has released a new video to go along with the new album.
Listen as she discusses what she has coming up and what continues to inspire her with her writing. Let us not forget to mention as well, huge congratulations are in order as Rutland was on the Dean's List! She is not only talented and super sweet, add smart to that list as well. We are so happy for you Kaylee, keep it up and we will be watching to see what happens next.
Make sure you check out Rutland and follow her on all social media platforms and check out her tour schedule so you can see this talented artist.