CRS 2018 with Laura: Uncle Si & The Sicotics

by Laura Lou / 2518 days ago / Comments

I am sure no one saw this coming, I know that I did not have a clue what I was getting myself into when I caught up with Uncle Si and the Sicotics at the Grassroots Promotions Starlight Dinner before the Country Radio Seminar this year.

Yes, Uncle Si, the same "Si" from Duck Dynasty has joined forces with his daughter-in-law, Marsha Robertson and hit songwriter, Bridgette Tatum for a concept or experience as they call it, with all the credit being given in only one direction.  Watch our conversation to hear what direction that is and how these three talented artists constructed this into what it is today.

There is something very special here that allows the listener to gather with their friends and family and enjoy the energy and excitement, along with a lot of laughter, that these three bring in everything they do.  

There is usually a "planning" stage that artists go through before a show so that the unexpected does not occur.  In the case of this trio, the unexpected is welcome.  They even say "we have no idea what will happen at any show and there are no two shows that are alike." which is part of the charm of this whole project.

Listen as we discuss a few of the recent "unexpected" events that have happened and how these three love the organized craziness that they have created.  It is a love of family and friends as well as a whole lot of faith, all rolled into an amazing experience for not just the fan but the artists themselves.  

Be sure to follow them on all social media platforms, get your copy of the current EP, As Seen On TV, and get out to a live show soon.  You may not know what to expect and that is okay, they do not know either.  Part of the fun will be in finding out together.

I was so pleasantly surprised and I look forward to seeing what happens next.  Thank you, Uncle Si, Marsha, and Bridgette, for taking the time to chat during CRS.  I can not wait to catch up with you all again soon.



About Laura Lou

Laura Lou Journalist

Beginning about age 13, music always been my “safe place”, my “escape”, it became a part of who I am. My background includes being a photographer/journalist for newspapers, magazines and radio stations and more recently I have been an artist manager. What I continue to strive to learn is, what is important to the fans/readers? I find that the answer is always that they want to feel close to the artist they are supporting. The human contact that we all need is something that I want to deliver to anyone that happens to read something I write or see a photograph I shoot. It is important to me to provide that experience, because I am, after all, still always a “fan” and that giddy 13-year-old girl is simply amazed! I never imagined that my passion and love for music would lead me where I am today! I use the hashtag #iamtheluckiestgirliknow because I cannot believe how blessed I am! I’m excited to see “what happens next” and take you all along with me! This is going to be amazing…