Conversations with Missy: Cassie Lynn Wells of 'Cassie's Kick-ass Country'
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Thanks to our friends at Alley Taps in the iconic Printer's Alley in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, Center Stage Magazine was able to sit with the host of Cassie's Kick-ass Country, Cassie Lynn Wells, for a conversation interviewer to interviewer.
Chatting with artists is always a lot of fun, however, I rarely have the opportunity to connect with someone who does what I do, ask questions. As you can imagine, thoughts were flooding my mind. I wanted to share stories and pick her brain. That is what we do. We want to get inside the mind of others and get to know who they are and what makes them tick.
Though I wanted to know everything, I was careful with my questions as I did not want Wells to feel as though I was trying to steal her format. Luckily, Wells knew exactly where I was coming from and was just as eager as I was to share information and learn more.
During our very fun interview, we both share the things we like best about our jobs, as well as some of the harder moments that we struggle with such as possibly hurting someone's feelings with honesty. Though you may not understand, the entertainment industry is tough all the way around. When you are promoting new and up and coming artists, sometimes someone will contact you wanting promotion and the truth is, they just do not possess the talent. They may have the heart and right work ethic, but their vocals just are not right. Those are the moments we all dread because these individuals deserve it more than most. Watch our full conversation to hear how Wells has been able to navigate through these challenges herself.
As we continued to share our stories, secrets, tricks, etc., Wells and I laughed and instantly bonded. Watching her light up as she talked about artists that she loved including the one who helped her get started with her podcast, William Michael Morgan, I could tell that this was truly her passion as it is mine. There is no doubt in my mind that Wells will continue along her journey becoming a well-known radio personality. Her spirit and way of thinking have already given her a huge and successful start to her career and I look forward to what she has coming up next. ~Missy