Tap Into Indie: Cory Singer
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Conversations with Missy: Cory Singer
As we continue to bring you more artists from the Heart Songs Corporation and Center Stage Magazine Independent Artist Showcase from Alley Taps during CMA Fest 2017, you may remember our next Tap Into Indie Series artist from a previous interview. If not now is your chance to discover the amazing singer/songwriter Cory Singer.
What most of you do not know is that Singer and I bonded the very first time we met. Both he and his mother have become part of our family. To say I adore this cat would be an understatement. He is the perfect example of how to treat others not only in the industry but in life. I feel blessed to be able to call him a friend.
Singer has had his share of trials and tribulations like anyone else. What stands out to me is his ability to get through any life's moments with his music. While listening to Singer at a show, you can hear the amount of emotion and passion he puts into each performance. Working hard perfecting his craft, Singer has developed a style and sound that is all his own.
With songs like "Lipstick Lesbian" (a crowd favorite), "Rico", and his newest release "Goodbye Felicia", Singer has been able to entertain vast audiences. Not only is his content relatable and fun, his vocals are extremely outstanding. He possesses great control of his voice and executes songs flawlessly.
Singer is definitely an artist to watch, so be sure to follow him on social media and stay tuned to his website for news and upcoming shows. Until next time..."Goodbye Felicia".