Beyond The Music with Laura: Lewispalooza: providing “Hope” and changing lives through music

by Laura Lou / 2674 days ago / Comments

When you add together seven years of history, mix in some of the finest talents in Nashville, a touch from an iconic venue and blend in an extraordinary organization that is committed to providing hope through music, you end up with a CMA Fest kick-off event that is Lewispalooza.

The expressions that people associate with music sometimes tend to sound redundant.  “There is power in music”, “Music is healing”, “Music has value”, “Music is good for the soul”, and the list goes on and on.  However, spending time attending an event where the community of musicians, public relations, venues, sponsors, including people who know first-hand how this organization helped save their life, you begin to see that these are not merely cliché sayings.

The lineup of artists that performed at this year’s event were none other than Lewis Brice, who the event is named after, Jerrod Niemann, Love & Theft, Michael Ray, American Young, John Wesley Satterfield, Tyler Reeve, David Borne, Drew Dixon, Rob Snyder, Kristen Kelly, Jimmy Stanley, Hish as well as very special guests, which include Craig Wayne Boyd and Lee Brice.

Tin Roof Nashville hosted the event and it could not fit inside the building so, no pun intended here however fitting, it was a parking lot party that spanned three parking lots with food, drinks, handmade jewelry, a photo booth, not to mention free swag from sponsors Jack Daniels and Loaded Vodka.  This was a free event, with a suggested donation of $20.00 or you could purchase a VIP ticket which allowed you a special covered tent area to relax, a catered meal from The Stillery, free drink tickets, as well as a meet and greet experience with the artists, for a minimal $50.00.

The organization that was the recipient of all proceeds is Hope Song

Hope Song is an organization that was started by a group of individuals who believed in the idea of all the “cliché sayings” about music and specifically that music can generate a positive difference in people’s lives.  Musicians may vary in “why” they create, but all seem to have one very distinct desire, to make a difference.  Hope Song prides itself on understanding the value of hope and acknowledging its duty to provide that through music, to uplift the body, mind, and souls of patients and their families.

One of the focuses of Hope Song is helping patients at CHIPSA Hospital through effective, albeit rigorous treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases.  The musicians who are a part of this organization play for patients up to three times a day and regularly make a round in the patient’s rooms, adding the emotional healing, that is essential to healing.

The staff at CHIPSA are supportive and believe that this aspect of the healing process is essential to their patients.  Dr. Lopez, one of the head physicians, stated: “I have never seen a patient with a negative attitude beat cancer.”  Therefore, Hope Song is committed to providing hope and positivity for cancer patients.

As with everything, the intentions behind music can vary considerably, however, the results often have more in common. Music inspires people. It creates memories, emotions, inspirations and binds between some that would have otherwise continued their individual path, unbeknownst to each other, that they had someone to connect with, to relate with, to confide in and to provide encouragement to each other along their journey.  This recovery and this process are hard enough to go through, let alone feeling as if you are the only one that understands the ups and downs.  Music starts revolutions, inspires rebellion and creates relationships. It can motivate someone through their morning commute or through a failed relationship. It can motivate someone to workout, stand up, or move on when nothing else could.

Above all, one commonality that music can deliver though is HOPE. Hope is one of the most important commodities that a person can have.  When fighting for your life or going through a struggle no one may know about, music can provide hope, and hope can provide recovery. 

“With hope, storms are simply the preface to a silver lining.  Without hope, those silver linings are a forgone conclusion to a life spent in the rain. If a person can grasp the importance of hope, the option of providing it to those in need becomes less of an option and more of a welcomed obligation. Having the ability to give someone hope is a privilege whose rewards are boundless, palpable and eternal.”

A portion of the donations received during Lewispalooza are used to handle travel expenses for musicians who volunteer their time and another portion goes to assisting patients who cannot afford treatment. All the donations go to providing hope for those who truly need a silver lining in their lives.

To learn more about Hope Song, Lewispalooza, along with the amazing artists that donate their time to provide hope, emotional support and healing to these patients, please visit the links below. 

I was honored to be able to attend this event and witness the pure, genuine giving of the artists with their time and talent along with an atmosphere of possibilities.  In a time where so many seem to focus on negativity, this is one event that will lift your spirits, make you realize all the “clichés” are true and help you remember, it does not take a lot to make a difference.  You never know where someone is on their journey.  Offer a hand, or even an ear to listen, when you can.  Your small gesture to someone that desperately needs it at that moment may seem like nothing to you, and yet it can literally change the life of someone else.

For more on Brice, please watch our full interview with him after Lewispalooza during CMA Fest 2017.


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About Laura Lou

Laura Lou Journalist

Beginning about age 13, music always been my “safe place”, my “escape”, it became a part of who I am. My background includes being a photographer/journalist for newspapers, magazines and radio stations and more recently I have been an artist manager. What I continue to strive to learn is, what is important to the fans/readers? I find that the answer is always that they want to feel close to the artist they are supporting. The human contact that we all need is something that I want to deliver to anyone that happens to read something I write or see a photograph I shoot. It is important to me to provide that experience, because I am, after all, still always a “fan” and that giddy 13-year-old girl is simply amazed! I never imagined that my passion and love for music would lead me where I am today! I use the hashtag #iamtheluckiestgirliknow because I cannot believe how blessed I am! I’m excited to see “what happens next” and take you all along with me! This is going to be amazing…