Tap Into Indie: Luke Caccetta
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Luke Caccetta Cue The Rain
Continuing our Tap Into Indie Series is the brilliant songwriter and overall amazing musician and friend that we have watched grow as an artist since the beginning of our own journey with this magazine. Luke Caccetta not only pens some of the most breathtaking lyrics, he delivers them in such a way that you cannot help but become consumed with raw emotion.
I will never forget the first time I heard him sing live during a writer's round at the Whiskey Rythm Saloon in Nashville, Tennessee. While covering this particular writer's round, I found myself excited at the level of talent I saw up on that stage coming from Caccetta. When he asked the audience if they wanted to hear something old or new, I shouted "New". That was the moment I heard my all-time favorite break-up song, "Blue Where You Are".
There was no doubt in our minds that we wanted Caccetta to play at our Heart Songs Corporation and Center Stage Magazine Independent Artist Showcase. To say I was excited when he agreed is an understatement. The audience was in for a real treat with the line-up we had, so the addition of Caccetta was like that extra sweet topping you put on your favorite dessert. I could not wait to see him with his full band, performing his new material.
Imagine my disappointment when I had to go backstage to conduct an interview during his performance, missing his dedication of "Blue Where You Are" to me. Thankfully, I have it on video. Returning in time to see the rest of his spectacular performance, Caccetta had the entire audience at Alley Taps on their feet and rocking out for more. To fit in with today's trend of colorful language, the whole place was "Lit".
If you have not yet gotten to know this fantastic musician, you are missing out. Watch our full conversation now. Follow Caccetta on social media and send him a "Hello". Feel free to tell him I sent you, I know he will enjoy hearing from you. For now, enjoy all we have shared with you and share it with your friends. They will thank you for it. ~Missy