Tap Into Indie: Whiskey Kate
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You may remember our next Tap Into Indie artist from our first interview, but Whiskey Kate is back and better than ever.
Not long after our first interview, Whiskey Kate was in a horrific car accident. She suffered a severe brain injury that would ultimately change her life forever. Not knowing what was going to happen next, it is clear that GOD had a plan for this incredibly strong artist. During our conversation, Whiskey Kate takes us on a journey through that difficult time in her life. We all know music has the power to heal, please watch the full video now to see just how amazing the power of music and GOD really is.
As we sat backstage at Alley Taps after her performance, we discussed new music, her kick-ass performance, Ray Scott, packing mishaps, and more. We laughed and had fun discussing it all. When talking about Scott, I shared that I was really excited when I received a message from him before the showcase asking me to make sure that the two of them had their sets scheduled back to back. Scott shared with me that though he had not yet met her in person, the two of them had become friends through social media after Whiskey Kate's tragic accident. As you can imagine, I was more than happy to accommodate the request and see the two of them meet face to face for the first time. Witnessing that moment is something I will hold dear to me for the rest of my life.
Whiskey Kate and I also discussed the change in her music since we first met. She has grown so much as an artist, and I am so excited to hear her upcoming release. Her voice has changed, her power has changed, and her emotions have changed. Whiskey Kate has proven that it takes more than a few life challenges to keep her down. Her will to be even better and come out on top has inspired me and I know it will inspire many others. Her story is definitely one worth sharing. You never know who it may help.
For more on this extremely talented and strong artist, please visit her website and follow her on social media. To hear her latest single "Love Me Broken", click here. As always, be sure to share this with your friends and continue supporting independent artists. I know that you will all love her as much as we do here at Center Stage Magazine. ~Missy