Change Of Seasons with John Oates

by Missy Wolf / 2883 days ago / Comments

After receiving a press release regarding John Oates for his Memoir Change Of Seasons, I immediately reached out to cover his book tour. Having been to several book signings that included a brief discussion of the book complete with questions from fans, I was sure that this event was going to follow the same basic structure.

Arriving at Salon 615 inside the Nashville Library, I quickly realized that this event was not like any of the previous events I have participated in. Located in a small auditorium, the stage was set up with two arm chairs, a rug, nice end table, and a single stool with a microphone placed stage left. This was a warm and intimate setting. As the guests made their way to their seats, front middle first, you could see the excitement and anticipation in their eyes. Each of the audience members seemed ready for their beloved Oates to take the stage and share details of his book, as well as play a song or two.

Choosing to sit in the last row of the center section, I was sure that we would capture some good shots for fans. When Oates was introduced, the audience cheered, shrieked, applauded, and even whistled. Everyone there was ready for a good time, and perhaps ready to ask him a question themselves. 

As the discussion of this book took place, Oates let us all in on some shocking details. How many of you know the story behind the hit song "Maneater"? Like most everyone in the auditorium, I was surprised to hear the description of how that song came to be. As Oates described the initial inspiration for the song as a beautiful woman that was entrancing to many until she opened her mouth and threw out foul language soaked with crude expletives, no one was prepared to hear that the true Maneater was in fact New York City. Oates' brilliantly described his recollection of the night that led to one of the greatest songs of all time, and it is a must-read. 

Oates laughed with the audience as he explained that once he realized how long his book had become, he simply stopped writing. Wanting everything to be told, he did not want to take out any information, and did not want the book to be too long, so he just stopped where he was. He dangled a possible volume two in front of our noses. Of course, everyone in that room was thrilled with the idea of another book. His life story is informative, entertaining, emotional, and fun. This memoir has given fans the chance to connect to Oates in a more personal way. His honesty gives us satisfaction. Celebrities are not free from daily life struggles, but it takes courage for anyone to admit when unfortunate situations take place. Writing a book for the world to see into your life is not an easy task. Hence, why I have not written a book. 

After the discussion, fans made there way to the autograph line. Watching everyone as they took their next step closer to saying a few words to the artist they adore, I could not help but notice a woman with a brightly colored custom shirt in honor of Oates. I immediately asked Tammy Pickett if we could take her picture, as she was so genuinely happy to be at this event. She excitedly agreed.  I also noticed a very young man in attendance with his parents. Decked out with a guitar shirt and a smile, I knew this little guy was a big fan of great music. His parents seemed proud. Their boy was taking it all in with a huge smile, and I could not get enough of his excitement. With his parents permission, we wanted to share with you Joey Grimes. This huge fan has loved music since before he could sing, and he definitely has a bright future ahead of him. Keep rocking little dude.

Please grab a copy of this stunning memoir if you do not have it already. You will be fully entertained, and walk away with a new understanding and higher level of respect for this amazing artist. I know I have. As always, remember to follow Oates on social media and stay tuned for all he has coming up in the near future. ~Missy



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About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!