Conversations with Missy: Hank Cochran PEN Fund Series, Booth Calder Cochran
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Hank Cochran's 2017 PEN Fund Event at 3rd and Lindsley
Welcome to The Hank Cochran PEN Fund series on Conversations with Missy. To start off this series, we are bringing you the founder of the non-profit organization, Booth Calder Cochran. As some of you may know, Ms. Cochran is the daughter of the late Hank Cochran. Mr. Cochran passed away in 2010 from pancreatic cancer. One thing he made clear to his family before he lost his battle was how important it was to help fellow songwriters battling this deadly disease.
During my conversation with Ms. Cochran, I discovered that his passion clearly lives in her heart as well. As she explained how she got started forming the non-profit organization, I could see that her level of commitment never wavered. This extremely smart woman was determined to carry out her father's wishes to help songwriters and their families.
One of the stories she shared was beautiful and filled with a very happy sadness. Hearing her tell us what she has been able to do with the help of others cannot help but make you feel compassionate. These songwriters are family to this organization. Seeing the connection and bond between them is powerful. I have the overall impression that this NPO will stop at nothing to make sure that each of their friends battling this terrible disease has all of their needs met, whether it is having utilities paid, a meal provided, toiletries, transportation, etc.
For more on this incredible organization, please watch our full conversation now. Be sure to then follow them on social media to learn more on how you can get involved to help. From all of us a Center Stage Magazine, we thank you for taking the time to watch our conversation and ask you to stay tuned as we will be bringing you more backstage conversations from the songwriters who attended this year's benefit show at 3rd and Lindsley in Nashville, Tenne. ~Missy