Going Southern Crazy with Singer-Songwriter Betsy Lane

Nashville, TN is unlike any other place. It is small in stature compared to other cities, but no other place has a strong-hold on a style of music, country, as much as Music City, USA does. Many move here in hopes of chasing their dreams, but Nashville is quite brutal if you aren’t prepared. For music artist, Betsy Lane, it is where she’s called home her whole life. As she described it, “It's unlike any place I've ever been and I'm proud to say that I was born and raised here.” Betsy has spent most her life entrenched in the arts from playing the violin and teaching herself the guitar to doing musicals. She stated, “It was my dad’s creativity of making up songs that we would learn and sing along to while preparing breakfast or putting us in our pajamas as well as my parent’s support in whatever I wanted to pursue that helped develop my interest in the arts.”
Her music is described as being “deeply rooted in the human heart”, but Betsy believes it is much simpler than that. She writes about life, the season she’s in, as that has evolved her writing over the years and solidifying her sound as an artist. She always tries to keep her roots in her songwriting. Even with a clear understanding of where her influences for content comes from, the creative process is a difficult one at times. She said, “If it's a co-write it could go in so many directions, but if I'm just writing in my room then it's pretty much the same routine. I have a note on my phone of little phrases I hear at coffee shops or ideas that I think of at 3 in the morning and I'll pull from those when I'm writing. Sometimes the song writes itself - and those moments are really cool, but a lot of the time it takes hours on hours, sometimes even days, to get a framework for a song.”
Betsy has found success both in the States and internationally. She has toured the UK and England while playing a full band showcase in Nashville to an arena of about 2,000 people a year ago. Through it all regardless of where she is; the fans have been good to her and she tries to thank them as much as she can. Every journey is an opportunity to grow, saying, “As far as 'bad moments' I don't really consider any of them bad. It has taken every moment of my life to be here. The blunders and blessings are all part of my story - and I grow from everything, regardless of the circumstance.” She sees that “the dedication from her fans is so real and it just reminds [her] that sharing [her] stories and songs with the world are so powerful.” With wisdom at such a young age, Betsy is just enjoying the moments as they come. She isn’t sure what the future holds, but she is staying busy as she’s working on a handful of things under the radar. What she is willing to share is, “I have written a lot - for myself and for other artists. I would love to go back to the UK and play some more shows, but it all just depends on timing and opportunities and what route I want to focus on in the future.” No matter how hard Nashville hits, Betsy’s making sure to hit back twice as hard. She’s got what she can only describe as “incredible people by my side” and is thankful to have them during times of uncertainty.