4 Matching Articles for "Adkins Publicity"

Press Release: Kiefer Sutherland Readies New Music and New Management Partnership

Press Release: Kiefer Sutherland Readies New Music and New Management Partnership

2537 days ago / Missy Wolf

KIEFER SUTHERLAND READIES NEW MUSIC AND NEW MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Kiefer Sutherland, whose “unexpected, unvarnished authenticity as a singer/songwriter” (Associated Press) and “edgy vocals blended with passion&rdqu...

CRS 2018 with Laura: Glen Templeton

CRS 2018 with Laura: Glen Templeton

2544 days ago / Laura Lou

As CRS (Country Radio Seminar) drew closer there were some additions to my final schedule of interviews and as I glanced over the names of those artists that were added, I got to the name Glen Templeton.  I looked again and his name was still there. After the third look, I r...

CRS 2018 with Laura: Derek Jones

CRS 2018 with Laura: Derek Jones

2532 days ago / Laura Lou

During CRS 2018, I had the opportunity to talk with emerging artist, Derek Jones.  Jones, who is not a stranger to the music industry, definitely was a great sport as we finally were able to keep our laughter under control on "take" three.   Jones firs...

CRS 2018 with Laura: Dustin Collins

CRS 2018 with Laura: Dustin Collins

2553 days ago / Laura Lou

Being an entertainer in 2018 is somewhat different from ever, due in part to the “political correctness” you are expected to uphold with every comment you make, every lyric you sing as well as every belief you may have on any given topic. We, as a socie...