Conversations with Missy: Fools' Brew

by Missy Wolf / 3248 days ago / Comments

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Saddle Up with Fools' Brew

Hey, Guys! Recently you met Fools' Brew and got a taste of who they are. Well, now I invite you to get to know these four amazing men! Their personalities alone will intrigue you. Thanks boys for taking the time to answer my many questions. 

Missy: Please tell us who you are! (Name, instrument/vocals, personality like "The crazy one", or whatever makes you YOU!)

FB: Timmy "Timmy" Daniels - Drums/Grandpa

Cory "Cormander" Davidson- Bass/

Diggs McNasty - Gee-tar/riffmaster

Jarrett O'Cooley - I am the great big mouth.

Missy: What made you decide to pursue music? Were there any challenges that you guys faced that made an unforgettable impact on you?

FB: "The local male escort business was running dry and we had bills to pay. Luckily we had a few decades of music education and experience to fall back on."

"The music industry is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, so everything is a constant challenge."

Missy: How long have you been playing together?

FB: "5 years"

Missy: Do you guys have similar influences? Who is the one influence that stands out to you?

FB: "We do have many similar influences, but we also listen to a variety of different styles individually. Obviously we all dig the metal, but we all have classical and jazz  training as well. We're pissed off, beered-up band kids. So we can start with our common background and approach then add techniques and stylistic ideas from our separate musical interests."

(Cory) "As much of a metal head as I am I come from a very classical/Jazz background. I went to school for Jazz saxophone. Some of my main musical influences were guys like Charlie Parker and Cannonball Adderley. As for guys in the metal/rock genre, I'd start with  Geddy Lee of Rush and Dominic Lapointe formally of Beyond Creation and then expand to guys like Justin Chancellor of Tool. Don't forget Justin Beiber. Dude slays on bass."

Missy: How important is songwriting to you? I find writing therapeutic and often wonder if writing and performing songs is that for a musician. If so, do you ever find yourself unable to perform a song due to the emotions it brings to the surface? Your song "Panic Room" is one of those seriously emotional and real songs.

FB: (Jarrett) "Songwriting is paramount. We started this band to create original music, and that's where the real payoff comes for us. Writing and performing can definitely be cathartic." 

"Songs that are more intense or more personal haven't prevented me from performing. It's definitely the opposite. When I'm angry or upset, or life feels like it's kicking my ass, I crave the mic and the stage where I can vent all those frustrations in a positive way."

(Cory) "It is very key. It may not come as easy for me, but when it does it doesn't stop coming. I sometimes will just sit there for hours coming up with lyrics or just jamming out riffs/ideas. Most of the time I do my best songwriting when I'm in a bad mood or something just really pissed me off. I take that anger or that certain mood and I express it through my music. Playing for me is very much therapeutic and a way to escape reality at times. Your music is supposed to tell a story and I feel that is what makes this band unique. Everyone brings a certain something to the table and we then collectively get to express ourselves."

(Timmy) "When we begin to collaborate on different riffs and ideas, it takes a lot of processing time in order to truly figure out if the riff or idea is something that we want to continue. There have been riffs and a few songs that we have written completely that we decided not to release or move forward with due to the style, the lyrical content, or we flat out hate playing it. There has not been a time where I have not wanted to or have been unable to perform a certain song due to the emotions it brings to the surface. If anything, I'd rather play the song in order to release my emotions and aggression out on the drums. "Retribution Mind" and "Ghosts in the Machine" are probably the two songs that bring out the most emotion and aggression for me. It's not even because of the lyrics, but the instruments that come together that make me want to beat the living hell out of my part (within good taste and technique....duh)."

(Diggs) "Songwriting is very important to us. A primary focus of ours is to create music that people can find release in, and lyrics people can relate to. We can tell pretty quickly when we have a riff or theme that works. Everything grooves and it all stems from there. The emotions brought to the surface only amplify our performance.  It's all about feel, and we feel pretty damn good when we are jamming out and see the crowd jam with us."

Missy:  Is it important to you to bring real issues to your songs in order to raise awareness?

FB: (Jarrett) "We haven't set out to write a song specifically to raise any kind of awareness. Lyrically, I write about the things that influence me and my perception of the world around me. Themes in our songs are products of things that affect my life, whether inner or outer. Some are very true to life while others are pure fiction, but they all grew from something real and personal."

Missy: What do you guys have coming up? Tours? New EP? I am dying to know!!!

FB: (Diggs) "We are currently in the studio recording our next EP with Chris Steinmetz at Stonecutter Records Recording Studios in Chicago. It really has been an unbelievable experience so far. We are always pushing ourselves individually as writers and performers to create the most unique, emotional, and badass music that we can and I can honestly say that each member has done that and contributed to what is going to be a very powerful and defining EP. During this recording process, we have been extremely meticulous and have been scrutinizing every minute detail to ensure that we are providing our fans with the best product possible. Though there is still work to be done, we are nearing the final stages, so we hope to be ready to unleash something in the next couple of months. We'll be posting updates as they come along. Stay tuned for 2016 tour updates as well!"

Missy: What is the best way for fans to connect with you?

FB: "Come out to a show and hang out! We love hanging out and partying with new people! Say hi, smash some shots of Coldcock with us, find us on social media, and stay in touch. We're active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and we recently revamped, so we're easy to get a hold of. Plus our last EP, "This Side of Sanity" is available on iTunes, Spotify, and Soundcloud. We're everywhere but your grandma's basement, and we've got people working to get a gig there."

Missy:  Is there anything else you would like to add? Is there something you feel is important for the fans to know that I have failed to ask?

FB: "After a show in Pittsburgh a while back, we had to give Timmy an exorcism in our hotel room, so we'd like to make sure everyone is aware we are now butt-demon free."


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About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!