The Restless Atlantic

Meet energetic rock band from Portland, ME, The Restless Atlantic. This foursome is sure to leave you sweaty, tired and wanting more after seeing them at a live show. Formed in January of 2014, Cameron (vocals), Tom (bass), Peter (drums) and Sam (guitar) offer "fast guitars, nods to hardcore, a bit of screamo here and there, [and] ballads that blow up into big rock extravaganzas". Go listen now!
The Restless Atlantic debuted with a full-length record entitled "Chasm" and is available on iTues for immediate download. With songs like, "Hugh Jackman" and "Some Shine, Some Don't", it will leave you thirsting for more. These guys are anxious to show fans their unique sound combined with hard-core style. Their enthusiasm on stage is infectious. Their lyrics are catchy, relatable and dramatic. This is a great start to what is sure to be a successful career in music.
Currently, the band is adding shows to their tour schedule, so follow them on social media for up to date information. Here is where you can catch them next!
Rambudikon Presents: The Return of Southpier!
Saturday, November 21 at 2:00 pm in EST
Firehouse 13 in Providence, Rhode Island
Genos Rock Club
Friday, December 4 at 8:00 pm EST
625 Congress St. Portland, ME
Stay tuned for more from these talented young artists! ~Missy