Conversations with Missy: Remnants of Hope

by Missy Wolf / 3444 days ago / Comments

You know, I am known as the country/rock girl. I love my Bon Jovi music along with my Swon Brothers and Wade Hayes music. Does that mean I don’t listen to anything else? No. Yes, I admit that it is rare to catch me listening to anything else, but I do. Recently I was introduced to this young band, Remnants of Hope. I have to say that I was immediately intrigued by them. Their look was familiar, yet their own and there was innocence hidden in their seriousness. Instantly I wanted to know more about them. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did.


Missy: What was it like for you having parents who were very involved in music? Was there a time you didn’t want to be a musician?


ROH: “It was great! I always loved music and singing, until I hit 12-15. That was really rough with my voice for a few years” -Zander.


“I used to listen to the music with everyone, but I didn't really get into it until I heard "One" from "Metallica". After that I wanted to play guitar. I got my first guitar (B.C. Rich Warlock) at age 12 with money I'd gotten from mowing lawns” -Nykii.


“I was pretty much born with a guitar in my hand. I can't remember a period in my life where I wasn't playing some instrument” -Paul.


Missy: I know that you were homeschooled, it seems more and more parents are homeschooling these days. Was that something you feel helped you or held you back in your music? Why?


ROH: “Yes we were! We feel it did both, we're more focused but we also lack the friend groups that are sometimes formed from school” -Zander.


“We were in a few clubs with other homeschoolers since we were 4, but when Zander got highlights in his hair and I dyed mine full blue at age 12 we were excluded from many of the activities, or not invited to them pretty much instantly after that”-Nykii.


Missy: You guys are brothers, so I have to ask who is the oldest and what are your age differences? 


ROH: “Yes we are! Zander is 20, Nykii is 19 and Paul is the youngest at 15.” -Zander, Nykii Paul.


Missy: You guys are around each other all of the time and you know each other very well. Does that make things harder for you or easier for you while touring/performing? 


ROH: “It makes things way easier. We know each others strengths and weaknesses. We can help each other improve because of this, along with knowing how each of us are feeling all the time.” -Zander, Nykii and Paul.


Missy: You use to play in a cover band with your dad. Was it a difficult decision for you to break away from that? What was your dad's reaction?


ROH: “We did, we covered a whole lot of "Three Days Grace", "Seether" and "Green Day". Near the end we were covering heavier, less mainstream bands. We became inspired, and felt the need to write our own music as we got more passionate about it. Our dad's reaction was very mixed. He wanted us to be the "Beasti Boys" but he liked that we were going to be creating and working on our own music.” -Zander, Nykii and Paul.


Missy: How would you describe your music style? Who do you compare yourselves to?


ROH: “We like to compare our style to "Black Veil Brides" or "Avenged Sevenfold". We believe we could fit in with rock or metal with our style.” -Zander, Nykii and Paul.


Missy: We all have someone who has influenced us. Who has influenced you? 


ROH: “I love "Green Day" so much. I was that one emo kid with every Green Day shirt when I was 8...I'm also very fond of Trivium's' last release” -Zander.


“I really like "Black Veil Brides" or "Motionless in White". BVB inspired me to really pick up the guitar and start striving to get better” -Nykii.


“I'm really into "Escape the Fate" or "Children of Bodom". Alexi Laiho is both my guitar and singing idol!” - Paul. 


Missy: You have been gaining a number of fans/followers, how has that made you feel? 


ROH: “We really enjoy that our music has been appreciated. It means a lot to know that something we wrote can have a positive impact. Even the ones who don't like our music who find us seem to have an opinion strong enough they must voice it. It's nice knowing we have that kind of impact on people, like, Black Veil 

Brides". -Zander, Nykii and Paul. 


Missy: With the growing interest in your music, are there some new things coming up that excite you?


ROH: “Touring! We're also playing a show on Halloween, so we'll be celebrating our favorite holiday on the same day. We're very excited!” -Zander, Nykii and Paul.


Missy: You guys have spent years playing together and performing, is there any piece of advice you would give to another band of family/siblings?


ROH: “We have been! Don't take your siblings quirks personally. Take it one day at a time and remember, the person next to you on stage is going to have your back no matter what you guys go through!” -Zander, Nykii and Paul. 


Missy: Was there any advice that was given to you that sticks with you? Who gave it to you?


ROH: “I got some really nice advice about amps and what live gear to buy from "Stitch D" from "The Defiled". I saw them on tour with "Motionless in White" and was so happy they were coming to the states. Getting to talk to him and have some gear questions answered was awesome!” -Nyk. 


“The best advice I seem to get comes from my two brothers, whether it's singing, screaming or playing guitar” -Paul. 


“I've been given a lot of the same advice, so it's hard for me to pin-point where I got it from. I watch a lot of Youtube videos and study to learn more” -Zander. 


Missy: If you could perform on stage with anyone who would it be? Is there anyone you would want to write/collaborate with? Why?


ROH: "Black Veil Brides". We all agree solidly on this one.” -Zander, Nykii and Paul.


Missy: How should fans get in touch with you? Do you have a website and social media? 


ROH: “We like Facebook, it's the platform we check the most. The whole band has access to it, so it has the highest chance of us seeing it quickly.” -Zander, Nykii and Paul. 


Please go follow these guys on Facebook and like their page. If you are able to catch a show I encourage you to go see their energy together on stage. These guys are gaining a lot of momentum and their fan base is growing. It is encouraging to see where they are and where they are striving to go next. They are very passionate about their music and I am so proud that in this very small way I get to be a part of it. I applaud you Zander, Nykii and Paul! Never stop reaching for your dreams, even when times get tough. YOU WILL ACHIEVE THEM! Best Wishes to you ~Missy


Special Thanks to Joel Spielman, at Blank TV, for making this possible.


Follow Remnants of Hope  

About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!