2 Matching Articles for "Oprah Winfrey"

Bo’s Extravaganza with Laura: Renee Lawless

Bo’s Extravaganza with Laura: Renee Lawless

2471 days ago / Laura Lou

As children, we all have dreams of what we will do “when we grow up” and if we are very blessed and work hard, they come true. I can remember watching, as so many of us did, The Dukes of Hazzard on television. Yes, the guys loved “Daisy Duke&rdquo...

Music Brings People Together: A Live 8 True Story

Music Brings People Together: A Live 8 True Story

2793 days ago / Ellen Ann

My first thoughts when my then 15-year-old son asked me to take him to Live 8 on the Philadelphia Parkway were filled with anxiety.  An entire day in the hot July sun; we will get dehydrated; we will get migraines.  We would have to drink so much water that we would hav...