3 Matching Articles for "Chelsea Gill"
Center Stage Magazine and Heart Songs Corporation Host Independent Artist Showcase at Alley Taps
The Country Music Festival (CMA Fest) held in Nashville, Tennessee is arguably the biggest country music festival in the world. Stage after stage throughout the city, you will find great local talent along with country music's hottest stars. After getting to know many inde...
Press Release: Chelsea Gill Spreads Self-Love with "Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful"
COUNTRY ARTIST CHELSEA GILL SPREADS SELF LOVE IN NEW MUSIC VIDEO “BE YOUR OWN KIND OF BEAUTIFUL” PREMIERED ON APLUS.COM Nashville, TN (May 12, 2017) - Country singer-songwriter Chelsea Gill releases the music video for her new single &l...
Conversations with Missy: Chelsea Gill
After years of putting artists in the spotlight, literally, it is time for Chelsea Gill to be in it herself. With the release of her self-titled EP, Gill is heating things up in the music industry with her single “Tennessee Heat”. During our conversation, Gill...