Angie Dawn's Not So Secret Diary: John Schneider

by Angie Dawn / 2194 days ago / Comments

Picture it: 1981 Defeated Creek, TN... Two sweet little girls playing at the beach while the moms are tanning.. using baby oil and iodine mixed. (yes I am that old) All of a sudden a physical fight broke out between the best friends. After the near-death drowning for me, our moms get us up on the beach and ask why we are fighting. With tear stained faces we tell them that it was because I said I was married to Bo Duke, which did not sit well with my friend seeing she was also married to him. LOL.. 38 years later we are still fighting over this man!

It is January 21, 2019. I am pacing the floors at WUCZ 104.1 The Ranch in Carthage, TN where Dennis, Jim, Brad & Dan had graciously let me sit in on the set of Couch Bo-Tatoes to get some pictures and an interview for Center Stage Magazine. I was finally going to get the chance to meet the real Bo Duke!!!! (aka John Schneider) I am a nervous wreck, heart & mind racing. Praying that I will not have that star struck moment and go blank... when in he walks! My mind is screaming breathe woman.. breathe!!! Don't lock your knees!! LOL... He just coolly walks over to me and shakes my hand and says; "Hi I'm John..." I actually responded...LOL, He was running late so I did not get my interview at that time, but I sure wore my camera and audio recorder out. I was watching from the doorway as he played guitar, sang, talked, and cut up with everyone in the room. I was thinking "wow he is a genuinely nice guy", there is nothing fake about him. When the show was over and the winners of the contest were gone I approached him and began a conversation. He spoke with such extreme kindness. Schneider was in a hurry to leave so we swapped contact information and off he went. My heart was broken as I still wanted to talk to him and get an interview. I was plum pitiful and I pouted all night through till the next morning. All of a sudden at 10:10 on Tuesday morning..( I will never forget it) my phone rings... I answer it and it is him!!! He said; "AANNGGIIEE" in his happy upbeat voice. I almost fainted... He called me on my house phone... A LAND LINE!! You young kids will never understand the significance of the landline... I finally pulled myself together and got to business. A man true to his word, I got my interview.  

The have and Have Nots

Me: How hard was it going from a genuinely nice guy to a ruthless human being?

Schneider: At the time becoming Jim Cryer was a pretty easy process, I just took what I was going through in my life and used it as fuel. He goes on to praise Tyler Perry saying he is a force of nature. He is very driven which has shown him that if you put in the time and work into something, Great things will happen. The Have and Have Nots are one of 3 shows that's lasted over 6 seasons for Schneider. Smallville and The Dukes of Hazzard are the other 2. 

Me: I am absolutely stoked at how the JSS issue ended. There was a higher power working for you that day for sure.

Schneider: Very true, It was an unexpected turn of events and, But I'm so grateful how things turned out.

Me: I'm so excited about the Bo Extravaganza in April, So you are going to jump the "General Lee"... Are those rumors true?

Schneider: Yes I sure am for my birthday.

We chatted for a few minutes longer about events, projects and dates coming up. And that was it... He was off to another meet & greet.

This my friends was a dream come true for that little 5-year-old girl, and also for the adult me that sees more than just his pretty face and perfect blonde curls on T.V, I see now that his soul is beautiful as well.

Thank Y'all so much for reading about this dream of mine coming true!

Everyone, please take a minute to go and download his app. John Schneider. It is amazing. I will add the link on here for you as well. ~Angie




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About Angie Dawn

Angie Dawn Journalist | Photographer

As a young child, our house was constantly filled with the good ol' country music. My grandma was a singer and songwriter.. she actually had a record and had written for the likes of Patsy Cline. I loved hearing that woman sing.. it was angelic. That old country music runs deep in my soul. I remember watching t.v. telling everyone that I would be on that grand ol' Opry stage one day. The fact that I can't carry a tune in a bucket wasn't gonna stop me. Lol... so the chance that I've been given to work with Center Stage Magazine is God sent.