Conversations with Missy: Rick Mallory, Forever Johnny Cash Tribute
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When it comes to artists like Elvis Presley, Waylon Jennings, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, etc., they have left enormous shoes to fill. While their music is still very relevant today, few artists have the ability to make the same impact on music fans as they once did. For the younger generation, capturing those artists during one of their thrilling performances is impossible unless you happen to catch rare footage of a show. That is where the tribute artist comes in.
Completely aware that Cash could never be duplicated, Rick Mallory is committed to honoring the "Man In Black". As we sat for our conversation, one thing that stood out to me was Mallory's vision and priority. His respect for the lyrics and the music of Cash are undeniable. While learning the mannerisms are important for any tribute artist, Mallory explained that it was keeping the music 100% authentic that was his top priority.
Anyone who loves music knows the importance of maintaining a song's form. Not unlike many of you, I cringe when a cover band butchers the songs I have grown up with and love. If a song is changed too much, more often then not, the listener loses interest.
As we continued talking about paying tribute to Cash, Mallory shared stories about fans reactions to his performances, songs the fans love to hear, his personal favorite song to perform as well as trivia he has learned along the way. One story, in particular, touched my heart. Mallory shared a recent studio experience he had with the technician. The first time I heard the story my eyes welled up with tears. Those are the moments in life you cannot prepare for. They are also the moments that let you know you are on the right track. Watch our conversation now to discover what that moment was.
Please take a moment to follow Forever Johnny Cash Tribute on all social media platforms. Head over to the website and get familiar with the man who brings new life to "The Man In Black". Trust me, this is the closest you will get to see the real Johnny Cash in concert and you will be in awe the entire time. You do not want to miss this show. ~Missy