CRS 2018 with Laura: Sarah Ross
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When you see a list of artists that you are scheduled to interview, a journalist, in my opinion, should do their research. I do not mean, just learn a little bit about the current music, but really learn what you can about an artist. There are times when your research will teach you interesting facts about an artist and there are times when you can become a true fan of an artist. The latter is what happened to me when preparing for my interview during CRS (Country Radio Seminar) with Average Joe's Entertainment Artist, Sarah Ross.
Ross's current single is available now and it is titled "Doin' Just Fine" and that is exactly what it seems she is doing. Watch our interview now to learn more about this amazingly talented artist and learn how her experience on American Idol has affected her career. Also, find out who she would love to audition in front of today.
Ross is currently on a radio tour and she shared with me what the experience has been like for her so far and how much she is looking forward to continuing this tour. Ross also shares with us the importance of social media and making sure she stays connected with her loyal fan base.
We had time to discuss what is coming up with this talented artist, new music, new videos and much more. Make sure to check her out and get your copy of the new single, "Doin’ Just Fine", follow her on social media, and stay tuned for what happens next with Ross.