They're A Little Bit Country; They're A Little Bit Rock and Roll

Donny and Marie Osmond did not just bring their show to The Talking Stick Resort Grand Ballroom in Scottsdale, Arizona. They brought their Las Vegas show. I guess I was expecting a regular concert; Donny and Marie in front of the band, singing their hit songs. I was happily surprised in some ways and a tiny bit disappointed in others.
Each performed a set by themselves. During Marie’s set, she awarded a seat upgrade to a lucky audience member, and companion, who entered the contest by tweeting her. She also gave them two back stage passes for after the show. It was very exciting.
During Donny’s set, he gave away a copy of his new CD, Soundtrack of My Life, to a member of the audience who entered the contest via Donny’s Facebook page. Not only did she win the CD, she was given four back stage passes and Donny promised to autograph the CD. This was a very interactive, in the moment, show.
Donny, at almost 60, has all the old moves of the Osmond Brothers. It was a kick to watch him dancing with the background dancers. He took a little time to speak about Andy Williams, who was extremely influential in Osmond’s career. Williams hosted a variety show and the Osmond Brothers were featured on many of the episodes. They also, along with Marie, appeared on Williams’ Christmas show for many years. In tribute, Donny sang one of Williams’ most notable songs, “Moon River”. This song is also featured on his new CD. After Donny sang “Puppy Love” he told us that was not his first number one hit. He started singing “Go Away Little Girl”, the crowd cheered and Osmond said he was not going to perform that song that night.
Marie, at 57, also has all the moves. She performed “Getting to Know You”, from the Broadway show The King and I. After a costume change, there were five or six of them, she sang “Cabaret” from that hit Broadway musical. She spoke about The Children’s Miracle Network, of which she is a co-founder. She also did mention Nutrisystem as she is a spokesperson for them. She looks fantastic so it must be working for her. Songs from Marie’s newest CD, Music is Medicine, were very well received.
When they performed together, they were hilarious. They played off each other like the brother and sister they are. I could not tell what was scripted and what was off the cuff. It was so much fun. They teased each other, made some fun of each other, sang some great songs together. Overall it was a terrific show. I had never seen either performer in person so it was a treat for me to see them together.
They did not sing many of their old, well-known tunes, though they did do a Vegas-style medley of a few of them. Their voices were amazing, they still have the dance moves, and they were completely entertaining. I wish I had won one of those back stage passes, however. Sigh.