Charissa Nicole Take Over Continues with Pepper Jay

by Missy Wolf / 3023 days ago / Comments

Once again, Center Stage Magazine was honored to have Charissa Nicole guest host for us at Alley Taps in Nashville, TN. As a performer, this interview had Nicole intrigued from the beginning. After starting her research on Actress, Producer, former Lawyer and School Teacher turned Performance Coach, Pepper Jay, Nicole’s mind was blown.

Eager to pick Jay’s brain, Nicole pulled out some amazing information and stories from her. As you can imagine, we do not hear stories of this type of career history often. Transitioning from a ten-year teaching career to entering a 32-year career as a litigation attorney is quite impressive. When you then add in acting and producing as well as coaching and becoming an ambassador, the impression is a jaw-dropping one.

For many years, Jay has spent much of her time helping the human race. From young girls that want to be rock stars to those who need help in other countries, Jay has spent most of her life trying to better fellow human beings. Being a performer herself, Jay looks at the world around her in a way that enables her to help others perform better. Whether it is musical, on-screen, in the classroom or courtroom, she teaches others how to be the best performer they can be for their special and unique audience.

In her newly released book; Dynamic Song Performance, The Singer’s Bible, Jay has presented over a decade worth of knowledge gained during her career as a performer. She is an observer that listens and sees what works best. She has spent time working with the young and old and continues to educate everyone that wants to learn from her.

We recently interviewed one of her successful and well-known clients, Allison Iraheta. Iraheta began working with Jay at 12 years old. Hearing Jay tell the story of this remarkable singer was captivating and fun. I was inspired by Jay’s sincere desire to genuinely help others. She lit up as she spoke about how fond she is of her former client turned friend. Having someone like Jay on your side is an amazing thing.

Please watch the full conversation now and get ready to fall in love with the woman who has done it all and is teaching others with great passion. Grab a copy of her newly released book and gift one to someone you love for the holidays. I know they will thank you for it. Remember to follow her on social media as well, you just might learn a thing or two. ~Missy


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About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!