Conversations with Missy: Terri Nunn of Berlin

by Missy Wolf / 3046 days ago / Comments

Having the job I have, I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing artists and entertainers. On the night of October 29th in Hermosa Beach, California, I was blessed yet again to interview a woman so exquisite and stunning that I was taken aback. Terri Nunn not only has a tremendous voice, she has a fiery and spectacular personality along with a great sense of humor. 

As soon as she entered the green room, she greeted each of us with a smile and happy introduction. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. I was a bit more mesmerized by her than I anticipated I would be. Nunn presented herself in a casual, inviting way that made everyone in the room immediately feel welcome and at ease. 

During our conversation we spoke about some really exciting news. Nunn will be reuniting with original band members John Crawford and David Diamond. We look forward to the new material they create, though fans have never stopped supporting Nunn on her musical journey as Berlin's front woman. We continued to talk about her music and even her brief moment on screen with a very young Harrison Ford. Are you intrigued? Watch our full conversation now for the surprising details.

After our interview, Tommy Lemon, Kristin Cisneros and I made our way to the stage to secure our spot to watch Nunn perform. The excitement we all felt that night Saint Rocke seemed to be contagious. Many people dressed up for Halloween and Berlin's drummer adorned a pretty good version of Bettlejuice as well. 

As soon as Nunn took the stage, cell phones were out snapping pictures and capturing video. I witnessed many "Facebook Live" videos taking place as well. From the alcohol induced 46 year old female fan next to me having the time of her life to the emotional women and men longing for Nunn to make physical contact with them, it was a night of elation. People's moods were elevated. The entire audience was captivated by Nunn's remarkable voice and enchanting personality.

Each song was better than the last. Then, the song and moment so many were waiting for began. "Take My Breath Away" started off with Nunn gracefully sitting on the shoulders of her lovely friend and assistant as he walked her through the enthralled crowd. Many of the fans stood in amazement, while others desperately reached for her to touch their hand. This was a night that would no doubt be remembered as a great night by all who were there. 

Please take a moment to follow Berlin on social media. Check out their website and download their latest release titled; Animal now. Center Stage Magazine is anxiously waiting to see what is next for this stellar performer and the band Berlin. Stay tuned for more with the "Electronic Queen". ~Missy


Follow Berlin  

Berlin Tour Dates

06/22/2025 : Forever Now Festival 2025: Milton Keynes,

About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!