It's Our Party, We can give away gifts if we want to

by Laura Lou / 3081 days ago / Comments

Here at Center Stage, we are excited to announce that it's our one-year anniversary! We have gone back and forth trying to decide how we want to celebrate this milestone and what we feel is appropriate is to show you all how much your support means to us, so we are giving YOU the birthday gifts!                                                                                                                                      
Without the support of each and every one of you this celebration would not be possible! We have been building a collection of merchandise, including autographed CD's, T-shirts, and so many other items given to us to give our fans by the amazing artists that we have worked with over this past year and we want you to have it as a small token of our appreciation for the continued support you show us everyday!

How can you get in on these giveaways? "Like", "Share", "Tweet", "Instagram" and "Snapchat" using the hashtag #CenterStageMagazineOneYear and make sure to tag us in the post. 


About Laura Lou

Laura Lou Journalist

Beginning about age 13, music always been my “safe place”, my “escape”, it became a part of who I am. My background includes being a photographer/journalist for newspapers, magazines and radio stations and more recently I have been an artist manager. What I continue to strive to learn is, what is important to the fans/readers? I find that the answer is always that they want to feel close to the artist they are supporting. The human contact that we all need is something that I want to deliver to anyone that happens to read something I write or see a photograph I shoot. It is important to me to provide that experience, because I am, after all, still always a “fan” and that giddy 13-year-old girl is simply amazed! I never imagined that my passion and love for music would lead me where I am today! I use the hashtag #iamtheluckiestgirliknow because I cannot believe how blessed I am! I’m excited to see “what happens next” and take you all along with me! This is going to be amazing…